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Jamie Foxx Might Star in ‘Django Unchained’

Add another actor to the list of stars who might be on board for Quentin Tarantino’s next feature, Django UnchainedShowbiz 411 relays that Jamie Foxx is being chatted up to fill Will Smith’s supposed role. However, nothing is set in stone just yet, as this seems to be Samuel L. Jackson talking about the possibility of it happening. However, Leonardo DiCaprio, who was once in negotiations, is fully on board now.

"Django" is more or less becoming the new “Hunger Games” in that the casting never seems to end, but even so, every casting development – or rumors as they might be – for "Django" is exciting, as the names of only really talented actors keep popping up, with Foxx being no exception.

Foxx has taken on several film roles since winning an Oscar for Ray in 2004, but nothing he’s done since has put him back into the awards fray in a serious way, though he probably came close with Dreamgirls. If he does sign on for “Django,” this’ll be his first serious project in a while, and with Tarantino at the helm, it should be an awesome way for Foxx to make a comeback.

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