Halloween sales keep coming at PC gamers like the endless armies of the Netherworld. All week we’ve been covering the relentless march of consumerism on Halloween, and today we have yet another horde of sales clawing at your credit cards in search of money. However one game company has actually learned the true meaning of Halloween and is giving us the best kind of treat- A free game!
The generous (And attractive) folks at Telltale Games are giving away a copy of Sam & Max: Night of the Raving Dead. Yes, it’s really free, no catch. Just go their website, register for an account if you don’t already have on, then download the game. For those who aren’t familiar with the franchise, Sam & Max is a long-running adventure series about an anthropomorphic dog and a rabbity thing who solve mysteries with a heaping dose of humor. While you’re on the Telltale website, be polite and try to buy something.Even Amazon.com is getting into the act, with some downloadable Halloween games on sale. They are mostly budget titles and indie games, but Hardcore gamers might enjoy getting Dark Fall: Lost Souls for $9.99, a big 75% off the full price. There are twenty other games on the list.
Onlive.com has their own brand of sale right now. Onlive, isn’t a store, but rather a service that sort of rents games. You can get a “Full Play Pass” which is essentially the same thing as owning the game, and they are offering discounts on many titles right not. Two noteworthy ones are the 50% off on Mafia II, which only hit stores a few weeks ago, and normally costs 49.99. If you’re looking for a supper-cheap yet entertaining game, Onlive has The Maw for $2.50. Check out our full review of Onlive next week. In the meantime, give them a try while the sale is on.Finally, Tale of Tales, who’ve brought us some unique gaming experiences with the creepy Little Red Riding Hood game The Path, and the Old-Lady-Simulator The Graveyard are having a “Pay What You Wish” sale on both of those games, along with the Biblical-erotic-dance game Fatale. You can pay as little as $3.00 for three games which normally cost $22.00. Anyone who donates $50.00 or more will get a mysterious “Special Surprise”. All three of these are critically acclaimed, highly artistic and worth the $22.00 full price, so $3 or more is a terrific grab.
Did you find a sale we haven’t mentioned? Tell us in the comments section below.