Who wants to say lawsuit first? I'll be honest, I have no clue what book Image is promoting. Perhaps some informed person out there does, but frankly the teasers were to ridiculous for me to even Google it. I do know that Captain America with a mustache is two steps away from Disney's lawyers raining down upon them. As for the other images... upon reading them I made befuddled noises and scratched my head as if I was an old man recovering from a fall. Why the hell does the universe have boobies and a dong? Why does some cop want to give me colon cancer (that's how I took it). Really these teasers convinced me that interest can be created for a book without any real information. Now if only the teasers would actually convince me to read the book when it's revealed... too bad! We'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings! It brought this!
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