Ico/Shadow Date and New Details
It's no surprise that we enjoy HD remakes of popular games, and the biggest one is yet to come. The Ico/Shadow of the Colossus remake has finally been announced and dated for this fall in Japan – and there is even some news for those of us that are state side. The HD collection is being handled by Bluepoint Games, the same developer that did the God of War Collection and that are currently working on the Metal Gear Solid Collection. The games will, of course, offer the standard trophies for both games, and they will also both offer the option of being in 3D as well as HD.

As for Japan, they've got a different deal from their US counterparts; and maybe a less lucky one. While they will have the games by this fall, they will be getting them in parts, with a 100 page book with art from the games included. Both games with the book will be for $87 (¥6,980), or you can get them separately for $50 (¥3980) apiece. While you should not have to worry about paying that much in the US, do not expect any sweet art book outside of a pre-order bonus from a vendor like GameStop or Amazon.