The Humble Indie Bundle 3 announced they've added a new indie game to their pay-what-you-want charity sale. With the addition of Atom Zombie Smasher, the total numer of games you can get for a very modest donation is now a whopping twelve!
We were very impressed with Atom Zombie Smasher and felt that it alone was worth a ten-dollar price, so there's no excuse for gamers to turn up their noses at the Humble Bundle which not only benefits indie game developers, but also geek charities like Child's Play and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
In case you haven't been following, the games you'll get for any donation amount are Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVV, And Yet It Moves, Hammerfight, Steel Storm, and Zombie Atom Smasher. If you donate $5.45 or more you'll also get five more games, Braid, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Osmos and Revenge of the Titans. All this, plus free access to Minecraft until August 14th.
You can make a donation at the Humble Bundle's website.