Hannibal – “Futamono” Review: A Delectable Treat
Wow. Just wow. "Futamono" is an incredible work of art- even by
Hannibal's loft standards. So much happens within the hour that it will be nearly impossible to cover all the major plot beats while making time to praise the episode for its incredible imagery and color palette. But I will certainly try.
As with last week's episode, it appears that the focus of the series is shifting from Will to Hannibal, as once again Will only appears for a few scenes. Now that we are getting to spend additional time with Hannibal, we are able to get a better sense of who he truly is. Rather than simply seeing him through Will's eyes, we now get to see Hannibal speaking with secondary characters, such as Alana, and composing on his harpsichord. This look at "Hannibal at Home" serves to deepen his character, and it lets us see the innerworkings of his manipulations- both with Jack and Alana.

With Hannibal taking steps to ratchet up his killings as the Ripper (including leaving clues that will exonerate Will) while simultaneously stepping back from his role at the FBI, this is the first time I'm actually unsure of his endgame. Granted, having Will out and about creates a more exciting life for Hannibal (after all, there are only so many times you can visit a person in the mental institution after said person refuses to see you before people will get suspicious), but it also puts Hannibal in distinct danger. He knows Will is onto him, and he suspects that both Chilton and Jack are having serious doubts regarding his innocence. While seducing Alana (who, in my opinion, is ten times more interesting within this episode than in the the previous season and a half) may make for a good alibi and turn her against Will, it won't help him evade the FBI long term- especially once Will gets out.
The other item that may lead to his capture? The fact that he left Miriam Lass alive- and inadvertently leads Jack right to her. I have to say, I didn't see this twist coming at all. But, boy, what an excellent twist it is. Jack needs a catalyst to really set him off against Hannibal. Finding the young woman he once thought of as his protege alive and missing an arm? That might just be what he needs to finally storm Hannibal's kitchen and try to kill him.

Hannibal is getting sloppy, which is distinctly out of character for someone who prides himself on being exact and proper. Hannibal doesn't make mistakes. Perhaps he feels the walls closing in and has simply slipped up? Or maybe he is tiring of the chase and wants to end things once and for all. Whatever the reason, things are certainly building to a crescendo- one that will see Hannibal and Will switching places. Considering that the showdown between Jack and Hannibal is set for the season finale, and presuming that Miriam will ID Hannibal instantly for her capture, I'm hoping that Jack will take steps to actually build a case against Hannibal before going after him. Or, perhaps there will be another death on Hannibal's hands that will instigate the fist fight (after all, Alana is an original character to the series- and Hannibal certainly threatens her life to Will). All I know is that I'm thrilled at the prospect of finding out.
Final Thoughts:
-- The flower murder tableau is one of the most beautiful the series has ever come up with. It still feels a bit odd to call a murder scene beautiful, but this one is a work of art.
-- Show of hands for those who finished Hannibal's line "The last person to ring my doorbell this early was a Census taker" with the quote from
Silence of the Lambs.
-- Hannibal having Gideon eat his own leg is a throwback (or, I guess, throw forward?) to Hannibal having Paul Krendler eat his own brain in the novel and film
--Another touch from the novels and films? Chilton calling Hannibal "Hannibal the Cannibal" for the first time. While the food at the dinner party didn't turn out to be human, simply having Jack suspect him is a step in the right direction.
-- As with the murder tableau, watching Hannibal prepare his dinner party is also a brilliant work of art. And it really made me hungry.
- Gorgeous on all accounts
- Great character development
- Amazing twist
- Gideon appears to be on his way out