Insomniac Games' latest title was given a release date over the weekend at PAX East. Fuse will be coming to North America on May 28th for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The co-op shooter will be the first time Xbox owners will get to experience Insomniac Games this generation after their previous project, the Resistance trilogy, was exclusive to Sony’s console.
The game features four characters which all have their own weapon powered by the alien Fuse substance. Weapons have their own unique strategic functions and upgrade paths allow you to unlock extra abilities. Characters also have their own skill trees which lets you improve your stats and adapts to your playstyle depending on how you play to unlock different rewards.
Splitscreen works online and you can play with two other people using spltiscreen also online or just two others on their own. If you don’t have four players, a feature called LEAP allows you to jump into any of the four characters that is not currently being played by a human-player. LEAP is available as long as at least one of the four heroes is being played by a bot.
More information will be available as we come closer to the release of the game. We will have everything you need at a later date on Entertainment Fuse.