Final Fantasy XV Shows off New Trailer, Co-op DLC
"Square Enix makes some big announcements regarding their hotly anticipated new title"

Today Square Enix revealed a new trailer for their hugely anticipated upcoming entry in the
Final Fantasy franchise. The "Omen" trailer features some absolutely stunning visuals that show off the protagonist, Noctis, traversing a wide array of environments, from regal halls to barren wastes and everything in between.
For those concerned about spoilers, don't worry: the trailer is described as "a nightmare for the struggling Noctis," and "an omen to Noctis' father, King Regis, of a catastrophic future that must be avoided." The animation delves into the style and tone of the game rather than particular story or gameplay elements. Below you can check out the gorgeous trailer, which created as a collaboration between The
FFXV team and Digic Pictures, the studio behind the promotional feature film "Kingsglaive".
That's not all in the world of
Final Fantasy news, though! Game director Hajime Tabata confirmed that
online multiplayer will be coming to the game as DLC.
The expansion pack, titled "Comrades", will allow cooperative play between up for four players, with each player taking control of one of the four protagonists: Noctis, Gladio, Prompto, and Ignis. The mode appears to be separate from the main campaign. "Comrades" will be available via the $24.99 season pass and separately.