Ezio Auditore’s Costume in Final Fantasy XIII-2?
certainly seen some strange character crossovers before on certain Xbox 360
titles (the appearance of Yoda in the 360 version of
Soul Calibur IV springs to mind).
However, Square Enix has issued a press release with an even stranger
crossover: the costume of Ezio Auditore, as seen in the recently-released
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, will be
available as an optional outfit for Noel Kreiss, one of the characters in the
Final Fantasy XIII-2. We don’t yet have any screenshots for how
it might look, but there is a render of the costume available, which you can
see below.

If there weren’t already enough hints that
Final Fantasy XIII-2 might be returning to the over-the-top
dress-sphere stylings of the last direct sequel in the Final Fantasy series,
Final Fantasy X-2, this seems like
fairly strong proof that the game will allow players to dress up the characters
in a variety of different costumes.
Ordinarily, this would be fine, but the recent news of the involvement
of Japanese pop singer Oshima Yuko (part of the pop group
AKB48) in designing
some costumes for the main character suggests that
FFXIII-2 might be going down the J-pop route once again. Time will tell.