Earth 2 is currently being written by James Robinson (Starman; JSA) with pencils by Nicola Scott and serves as the vanguard for DC's golden age heroes. The coming months are going to see someone new behind the artist's chair, however.
Teen Titans' artist Yildray Cinar, who also works on The Fury of Firestom: The Nuclear Men, is going to be filling in for Earth 2 #7-8. Those two issues, which serve as a breather after the conclusion of the title's first story arc, are primed to build up more of the world of Earth 2. To this end a character described as 'The Last Amazon" is to be introduced within it's pages. That's right, the Wonder Woman of Earth 2 was apparently not the only one left.
A first look at this mysterious being from pencils of the cover for Earth 2#8, done by Cinar as well, is shown below. One might find it ominous that she is shadowed by Steppenwolf, who was last seen in the first issue. There are sure to be many surprises concerning this character.
"I’ve been reading this book as a fan since issue #1 and feel so honored to be able to be part (in some way) of the restructuring of the new Earth 2!” Cinar told THE SOURCE. “Besides that, this is going to be my first collaboration with James Robinson, so needless to say … there are good times ahead!"