So you thought you’d have to wait until March 2011 to get your chainmail-clad hands on the next Dragon Age game? Think again because, EA is releasing a browser-based 2d Dragon Age game on Facebook this February. It’s true that Facebook games are all crap, but this one at least shows promise, and even if you hate it, forcing yourself to play through will unlock stuff in Dragon Age II.
The Facebook game, Dragon Age: Legends will be set in the “Free Marches” the location where DA2 will take place. Screenshots look very similar to Dragon Age: Journeys, which hardcore fans might remember as the tie-in game from the first Dragon Age game. Journeys was moderately enjoyable, and free-to-play, so this is a good sign for the upcoming one.
The exact nature of the unlockable content hasn’t been revealed yet, but they are most likely going to be along the same lines as the unlockables found in the first Dragon Age flash game, which included armor and amulets that gave 5% bonuses on various stats (That means they were actually pretty good).If you can’t wait until February, you can register for the beta of Legends by going to In the meantime, you can get a taste of it by playing the older DA: Journeys by going to We’ll cover the development of Legends along with all things Dragon Age in the months to come.