According to Bleeding Cool, DC Entertainment has notified subscribers by mail that subscriptions on Aquaman, Justice League International, Justice League Dark and Swamp Thing will cease with the tenth issue of the four books.
Justice League International was cancelled and is ending with issue twelve. By-mail subscribers will not get the final two issues, but will be switched over to Superman, unless they notify DC of a different title choice. Aquaman subscribers will be switch to Johns' and Lee's Justice League at no additional cost until renewal; Justice League Dark subscribers will be switched to Batman: The Dark Knight, and subscribers to Swamp Thing will be switched to Batman. This raises a lot of questions. Justice League International is just the latest cancellation from the initial wave of The New 52. Most of the cancellations have been due to poor sales, while some have been to make room for a second wave of New 52 titles. Aquaman is a top-selling book for DC, and has gained renewed interest for the character. What's to become of him and this latest attempt to reinvigorate the character? What does the future hold for Justice League Dark and Swamp Thing?
I know, as a fan, when I saw the initial list of The New 52 releases, I scratched my head. Some books were going in a new and totally bizarre direction. I relaized that some title were not aimed at me - or aimed at me any more. I am an older fan, and at times I still cling to classic line-ups and glory days battles. But some titles are working and finding their audience, as DC expected they would. Of the six titles I initially picked, I've dropped three. Blue Beetle, Grifter and The Savage Hawkman just weren't working for me and I lost interest. I was more interested in sticking with Justice League, Aquaman and Green Lantern.
With a number of cancellations, a second wave, and now this; there's a part of me that's waiting for a proverbial shoe to drop. I'm wondering if we're all just holding our breath to see if this launch doesn't just cave in on itself and DC starts all over again with what's left still standing.