Obligatory Comic Reviews 6/23 Edition
Each week there are a ton of comics released and frankly not all of them are worth of long winded reviews. Not all of them stand out and say, “Tell the people about me!” But some of them should be highlighted as good or bad all the same. So here’s this week’s Obligatory Reviews!
Brightest Day #4
It finally happened! The story moved forward! But it might be too little too late. Hawkman and Hawkgirl stand in front of the pink portal for an hour talking. Hawkman’s hand really wants to go in (make your own joke here) and so they bravely walk through the portal. The rest of the book is spent with Dove, Hawk and Deadman in Dove’s bedroom. The “white light” continues to be a practical joker as it teleports Deadman into her room. Dove changes into her costume which alerts Hawk, sending him into a drunken rage. Not only does the pacing for the book change but now the series is ten issues long! I guess the editors figured the story wasn’t quite fleshed out or the read base dropped significantly and they need to make up the cost with two more issues.