Batman, The Dark Knight Of The World
With all six-issues of Return Of Bruce Wayne completed. Grant Morrison has revealed the story of Bruce coming back from five time lines, and finally arriving in modern times. Now since this event is over do you know what got Bruce Wayne to this point? Well now is your chance to get the inside news on Bruce; going from Dark Knight Of Gotham City, to Dark Knight of the World!
All of this started in Grant Morrison’ s Batman R.I.P., Batman #676. When Bruce was about to battle the insane criminal Dr. Hurt, he was going to destroy Bruce’s entire legacy that he has created over the years. When you think of Dr. Hurt you think of two things: 1) Dr. Hurt has an insane criminal mind like Batman’s other greatest opponent, the Joker. Dr. Hurt will go to great lengths to corrupt Batman and make him fall into madness. However, the Dark Knight has been training his mind for years to never cross the line. 2) Hurt is almost the dark reflection of Batman. While he constantly tries to convince Bruce that he is Thomas Wayne back from the dead, he can also be Bruce’s dark reflection in a cracked mirror.