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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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The Return of The Originals – Battle for L.A.!

No it’s not the Alien Sci-Fi movie coming out this year, it’s some more classic comic characters that Moonstone Books is busting out of obscurity and bringing to your local comic shop. Personally I’m loving the revival of classic characters that have been infused into the modern era and Moonstone and Dynamite truly seem to be the only companies will to explore this option.

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Tracker Vol. 1 – Review

Tracker is a new comic series being published by Top Cow. The series is written by Jonathan Lincoln (who is a new writer), with Francis Tsai (Marvel Adventures: Spider-man) on line-work and colours. Letters by Troy Peteri (Witchblade). Derec Donovan (Youngblood) doing line-work on issue 4. Issue 5 had Abishek Malsuni on line-work and Shashank Mishra doing colours.

The first issue “Survivor”, starts with a woman having been called to a crash site. She states being an FBI agent this is below her, only to be shown that inside the entire bus is painted in blood, guts and limbs. Her name is Jezebel Kendall and she finds a survivor on the bus who turns out to be her partner, Alex O’Roarke. After his recovery he finds he has above normal strength,speed and hearing.

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Letters Return To DC Comics!

Ever want to send a letter to your favorite creator, editor, writer, or artist? Have you ever wanted to tell them that their career is just what is keeping comics alive these days? Or have you wanted to just say, what’s up from [Your Name Here]? Well guess what DC Comics is allowing you (yes you) to be able to send a letter to your favorite creative team over any current comics! So what are you waiting for?

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DC Draws The Line

DC’s drawing the line and keeping S#!T at 2.99! Couldn’t help it rhymed. You’ll remember some months back at New York Comic Con both Marvel and DC said they were going to keep comics at 2.99. Of course both had their own ways of doing this. Marvel was going to do it on new on-going titles and DC was gong to do it on all on-going titles, but cut the amount of pages you were given. Well now DC wants you to get excited for the fact that stories are shorter and thus less expensive! The promo art makes me wonder what the process the artist went through.

“We need you to draw ever hero that anyone looked at in 2010 running towards… a line.”

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Green Gets Company as Red Lanterns Get Their Own Monthly Title

After being hinted about, Geoff Johns and DC live up to their promise of a second Lantern Corps ongoing title. Who better than the fan favorite Red Lanterns to get their own monthly title. The war of the rings may be over, but the war of the sales has just begun! It’s being written by Peter Milligan, which I find to be an interesting choice. Will this be another X-Force mega-hit or a Human Target sleeper/critical hit? Check out all the juicy details that DC had to offer, which is way better than Green Lantern movie images released today… way better.

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The Death Of…

If there is one thing that comics have plenty of is lots and lots of characters (obvious fact). Love or hate these characters the intended audience will quite often have some sort of emotional response towards them. For example a lot of people love Batman because he’s powerless and yet still kicks butt. Many people dislike the Sentry, thinking he is overpowered and a shallow character.

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First Look At 5 Ronin – Psylocke

5 Ronin has continues as the fourth hero is shown to be Psylocke! For those who don’t know what 5 Ronin is, it’s about five unlikely heroes teaming up to fight against evil. Wolverine, Hulk, Punisher, Psylocke, and Deadpool are all five heroes that live in the 17th Century. Japan is ruled by evil and violence, and these five heroes are here to liberate the land. 

These five heroes teaming up is probably one of the most unexpected things that has been seen. Starting in March, 5 Ronin will have five different heroes team up and fight evil. The first issue will have Wolverine, the second is about Hulk, the third about Punisher, and the fourth is about Psylocke. It is still unknown if the series is only going to be five issues long, or if it’s going to continue after the first five issues. The story is written by Peter Milligan, and artwork is changed up in every issue. It will have artistic talent by Tomm Coker, Mark Brooks, David Mack, and much more! The story is about five heroes being wronged by some evil tyrant and swearing an oath… of vengeance! 5 Ronin will start in March.

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