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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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A Year of Warren Ellis at Sequart

Sequart is excited to announce that 2011 is the YEAR OF ELLIS — as in celebrated comics writer Warren Ellis. Throughout the year, we’ll be offering three books and a documentary film on Ellis, exploring his major works, his overall career, and why he deserves his status in the top pantheon of comics writers.

First up will be Keeping the World Strange: A Planetary Guide, edited by Cody Walker. This book of essays will study the exhilarating collaboration of Ellis and artist John Cassaday.  It features essays by CBR’s Chad Nevett and Timothy Callahan (Grant Morrison:  The Early Years), Julian Darius (Improving the Foundations), Patrick Meaney (Our Sentence is Up), legendary comics scholar Peter Sanderson, and many others. The book is scheduled for May 2011 publication.

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Teaser Time – We Are All Lost

I don’t know when it became the cool thing in comics marketing to promote a book by not telling anyone what it is until a series of mystery teasers, but that is the cool thing to do. You may remember three or four weeks of “The Righteous Maker” teasers that lead up to big reveal, well this time Top Cow is giving it a try with a teaser of their own. What is know about the book, more than likely known as “We Are All Lost” is that it’s shipping in April of this year. We’ve already been told to expect more images next week so I’m sure I’ll be struggling to say something new each time one of them comes out. In the meantime we can all ask ourselves, “What does it mean?”

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Teaser Time – Infinite Vacation

In 2010 one comic book company mastered “hype” when marketing their books and that company was Image Comics. Books that no one would have thought twice about not only sold out, but went back for a second printing. The list includes the first four issues of Morning Glories, the first two issues of Skullkickers and the first two issues of 27. The most surprising being the last on the list, “27” because it really seemed like it had the least going for it. Yet here we are with a second print of the second issue on the way. Why is this all relevant? Here we are with another teaser from Morning Glories scribe Nick Spenser for his next Image/Shadowline title Infinite Vacation. The tagline is the only thing we really know about which simply states, “Go anyway, Be anything.” With Spenser’s name attached I’m sure that the hype machine is hard at work making sure that this next title becomes a sold out success as well.
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Rotten – Named Best of 2010

Moonstone Entertainment, Inc. announces that the wildly eclectic, genre busting comic ‘ROTTEN’ from writers Mark Rahner and Robert Horton and Artist Dan Dougherty continues to receive accolades and notice, this time from writers at the Comic Book Bin (http://www.comicbookbin.com/).   Writers for the comic book centered site instituted their own awards this year.  Calling them ‘The Binnies’, writers established several comic book oriented categories and then chose the winners for each category.  ROTTEN was named as one of the six winners of Best New or Mini Series for 2010.  Comic Book Bin writer Pat Oliver selected the Moonstone title for this recognition and wrote-

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Find Out Who Jake Ellis Is On His Signing Tour

I would love to show you the awesome poster they sent (Not that awesome), but it’s in pdf format making it trapped on my computer for only me to see. So enjoy the cover of the first issue and a whole lot of dead space due to the length of the article.

Nathan Edmondson takes JAKE ELLIS on tour, signing at a comic shop near you! Early reviews are already praising Nathan Edmondson (THE LIGHT, OLYMPUS) and Tonci Zonjic’s WHO IS JAKE ELLIS?, with Broken Frontier calling it “cooler than a George Clooney snowman” and “deliciously entertaining.”

Edmondson, the writer of this new hit from Image Comics, will be touring across the southern part of the country, starting in Los Angles on January 13, and making a U-turn in Pensacola, FL, to wrap up the JAKE ELLIS SEES EVERYTHING TOUR in Atlanta, GA, on January 26.

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Batman, Etrigan, and David Finch

From David Finch’s Batman The Dark Knight series, David is building a supernatural Batman (he states). So this supernatural adventure is going to get a twist as Etrigan The Demon/Jason Blood join Batman in his new ongoing series! However, judging from David’s artwork, Etrigan doesn’t look like he’s going to be much help to the Dark Knight! Whatever is in store for this series, all we know is that David Finch is wowing the crowd with his writing and artwork!

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Artifacts Volume 1 Trade Paperback

This series has constantly sold out and I highly suggest picking up this paperback.  If you’re still not convinced, read my reviews of Artifacts#2 and Artifacts #3.

Top Cow Productions, Inc. proudly announced today that fans can catch up on 2010’s event series ARTIFACTS with the ARTIFACTS VOLUME 1 TRADE PAPERBACK, which collects the early issues as well as recently sold-out ARTIFACTS #4, out at the end of this month.

With an introductory price of $9.99, readers can discover the series that has everyone buzzing. The paperback collection’s release will coincide with the beginning of the second chapter of the yearlong event.

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