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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Earp Saints For Sinners # 1 – Review

The economy of America has pretty much fallen to the floor, and echoes similarities to The Great Depression. With law enforcement as corrupt as the criminals they have sworn to protect, there is but one man left to look towards for hope, Wyatt Earp.

This is the backdrop for Radical’s latest series “Saints for Sinners” ( a futuristic re-imagining of the western legend Wyatt Earp) . Created by Matt Cirulnick and David Manpearl. Written by M. Zachary Sherman (Shrapnel Aristeia Rising), color done by Kyushik Shin (worked as art director for Activision and Sony Online Entertainment) and illustrated by Mack Chater, Martin Montiel (The Darkness) and Colin Lorimer, an action comic filled with back-tracking that reads like a movie.

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Return of the Originals: Battle for L.A. Review

A powerful novel that’s complemented by stunningly detailed pencils with a cast of characters that will remind you heroes of yester-years. Set in World War II this unique graphic novel will keep you entertained and guessing with every page.

Let’s dispel any notion that you need to know the characters presented in this graphic novel in order to enjoy the story. Also let’s dispel the notion that the characters are un-relatable due to their “Golden Age” history. This story is not only interesting and intense, but gives a new view into World War II through the eyes of superheroes.

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Time Bomb #3 – Review

With a bit of a delay it seems the third issue of Time Bomb has arrived and it’s a solid ending to the series. If you need a refresher Jack was discovered by the Nazi’s and with his cover blown he is shot in the chest. Fortunately, for Jack one of his devices catches the bullet and saves his life. It also lands him in a holding cell in the underground complex where the Nazi’s are developing their disease that will erase humanity from the planet. The beautiful blonde that exposed Jack turns out to be an English spy and is sharing the holding cell with him.

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Ryder On The Storm #2 – Review

Ryder On The Storm continues! As we find out about Ryder’s past we also get to know that he isn’t human – but a Daemon. That’s right, Ryder is a Daemon. With the craziness just beginning, Ryder will hit some interesting points that will either do two things: Make you come for more or just leave here in issue 2. And let me warn you the stuff in issue two is really weird. Other than the weirdness in this issue Ryder’s past is touched on a bit more and more secrets are revealed about the Daemon’s intentions! Join writer David Hine and artist Wayne Nichols as they take you on a journey with a man deciding what he’s going to do with his life.

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Ryder On The Storm #1 – Review

Ryder On The Storm, a new series from Radical Comics publishing. A mature title indeed, readers will follow a Private Eye detective named Ryder chasing a case that he fully doesn’t understand. When a homicide is filed from Michael Hudson’s girlfriend, Katrina Petruska, Ryder begins thinking that this is more of a murder than a suicide case. However, murder or suicide Ryder is trying to protect Katrina from something that isn’t of our world. As the story unravels Ryder might not even be human. The twisted and sick story of Ryder on the Storm will give you chills yourself! However, what lies in store for our good friend Mr. Ryder is unknown because something is waiting for them!

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Character Affinity: Poison Ivy

Better known as the scantily-clad-in-leaves Poison Ivy, Pamela Lillian Isley is dedicated to the plants she swears to protect from man.  She first appeared in 1966 in Batman #181, a deadly foe and one of Batman’s few female villains at the time. 

The modern Poison Ivy is known for her cold-heartedness and lack of affection toward any other human-beings except her close friend Harley Quinn.  However, her original origin story involves her love for crime boss Marc Legrande.  He coerced Pamela to help him steal an artifacts and afraid she would tell people after they committed the crime he attempted to poison her with the contents from inside the stolen artifact.

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Cyclops #1 – Review

UN conflicts have become too expensive, forcing the UN to contract conflicts out to corporate military companies. The catch is that anywhere these groups go their actions are filmed and broadcasted back to American TV audiences. The bigger the conflict, the better the ratings.

If one thing holds true throughout time, it is that war is always grim and devoid a happy ending. Simply stated the UN no longer has the resources to support countries during conflicts and passes a bill put forth by Russia and backed by the USA to contract out peace-keeping conflicts to private military companies. These private military corporations are essentially the mercenaries of the new era, but instead of just working for the highest bidder they are now sanctioned by the UN.

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