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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Captain America’s Public Service Announcement

A Public Service announcement from the great Captain America is out now! While heroes battle super villains and protect us all from conquers that would seek to control the universe, what kind of a hero is Captain America or anyone else if they don’t stop the simplest things? In this PSA Captain America will be talking to the readers about suicide. A tragic thing that happens in our world today, Cap with the help of his friends will help prevent this from happening!

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Spawn 200 Sells Out!

It’s Spawn time! Looks like the landmark issue of Spawn 200 has sold out at the distribution level. Which basically means Diamond Comics (the shipper of all North American comics) has no more first prints to sell retailers. But, I’m very sure that most retailers have all six covers still in stock since there were huge incentives to buy all covers in large quantities. However, if you’re a completionist and need a second printing then fear not, one is on the way. 

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Spawn 200 Celebration – A Night At Golden Apple

Yesterday Spawn turned 200. A feat that has only been managed by Cerebus to my knowledge, but now Spawn has joined the ranks of an independently produced book reaching issue 200. To celebrate Spawn creator and Image Co-Founder Todd McFarlane had a signing party at Golden Apple Comics in Hollywood. I was invited to join the press party before the signing where none other than Stan “The Man” Lee was in attendance.

I didn’t really go to meet Todd or congratulate him, no I went to check out the event and see what it was all about. Frankly it was a very cool experience getting to see Stan Lee, who didn’t stay too long. There were a few surprise visits the biggest and being Jim Lee who stopped by to show support for his friend as he reached his landmark issue.

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What Makes A Good Supervillain?

When I say “bad” I mean “good”. So “what does make a good super villain?” Is it their origin story? Is it the villain’s will to beat the hero that makes them evil? Or just being plain evil, Super villains are the contrasting element of the hero. So when a new villain pops up in comic book continuity, there are very few elements that writers and/or sometimes artist come up with while creating a good villain.Throughout the many years comics have been around a few things have stayed consistent… Villains. Villains are what define the hero in the most dramatic and epic battle of all time. Take Joker for example he is one of my favorite villains. Batman created him when they were battling over a vat of toxic chemicals. As Batman took the final punch and knocked him into the chemicals, the unknown past of what the Joker was before is now gone.

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Ron Frenz and Pat Olliffe Interviews

I had a chance over the holidays to sit down with acclaimed comics artists Pat Olliffe and Ron Frenz. With Pat, I discussed some of his more popular works such as the Untold Tales of Spider-Man and his being part of the stable of artists for DC’s 52. We also discussed how he came to work with Jim Shooter on the new run of Mighty Samson, a former Gold Key property, now being done by Dark Horse. With Ron, we discussed how him and Tom DeFalco came about creating Spider-Girl and his extremely popular seven year run with Tom DeFalco on Thor. We also discussed his current five issue mini-series bringing back his character from the mid-90s, Thunderstrike, and if he hopes to somehow work this into bringing back the Thor Corps. 

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What Makes A Good Superhero?

You would think that the comic industry as a whole would have a check list that they go through when creating a new character. Some would probably say they do and then go onto list things like: Character Design, Weapons, Powers, Location and Origin. And to a lot of creators and readers that’s what it boils down to: What do they look like, what can they do and how they came to be with a lot of emphasis on that last category.

So many comics fall to obscurity due to the industries hang up on the “origin story” that most of the time they don’t even make it past the origin story in the series. Sadly, it seems Hollywood also has this same hang up and has forced it into movie upon movie. 

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Birds of Prey “Lovebirds” – Huntress and Catman

Isn’t it a little early for Valentines Day? The 11th issue of Birds of Prey has finally been revealed! Have you ever heard the saying “the picture tells you the answer” well you will know that this picture does reveal a whole bunch. The one question I’m asking is, “how long will these two be together?” Who knows, but Birds of Prey is getting more intense as the 11th issue will be on sale in April.

Cover by Artist Stanley “Artgerm” Lau, with the lovebirds Catman and Huntress.

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