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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Batman and Robin #19 Review

After the previous issue of Batman and Robin dedicated its entirety to explaining the Absence’s origin, this issue gets back to the action and our heroes. The story is still great and the artwork has unfortunately remained horrendous, but has its moments.

After a cliffhanger in Batman and Robin #18 the Absence has her hands on Vicki Vale… or is it just an elaborate trap to capture Batman and Robin? Unfortunately for them it turns out to be the latter with Batman and Robin having three minutes to live.

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Top Ten Worst Covers of 2010

It was definitely a lot harder to find bad covers from 2010 then the best. While last year had handfuls of bad comics, all the covers I could think of were either creative (which usually met the standards of my Top Ten Best Covers of 2010 list) or sported decent artwork. But there are some that came pretty close to poor quality.

10. Phonogram: The Singles Club #7: This issue reminds me of something you’d see on the cover of a novel (which is supposed to interest you based more on the summary on the back of the book) and not a comic book (which can sometimes rely heavily on it’s cover as a key selling point).

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Deadpool #32 – Hero and Deadpool Don’t Mix

Tired of being hated and feared as one of the greatest Mercenaries in the world, Deadpool is trying to find his inner hero. However how long will Deadpool be the “Hero with a Mouth”? Not long fans! Deadpool will be taking on an alien with a vendetta and will do it absolutely free! If you think Deadpool is going to stick with not getting paid then you better leave the series. Daniel Way writes Deadpool issue 32 and artwork is by Sheldon Vella.

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The Death of Jonathan Lowell Spencer…

What seems to be a trend the death of a comic super hero has become the norm. Last year of course was the death of the world’s greatest detective, (which in all fairness he was alive but just in a different era but I digress) Batman. Prior to that there was the fall of America’s favorite super solider Captain America. Then a Final Crisis befell Martian Manhunter and who could forget Night Crawler’s mishap with Bastion’s arm. Even the Blue Beetle bowed out quality with the help of a well fired head shot. Throughout all of that there are encompassing and forgetful deaths of B, C and even D list characters; yes we’re looking at you Ryan Choi.

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What Will Flashpoint Do To The DCU?

It is Flashpoint Friday Feature! Flashpoint is the next big thing after Brightest Day and anything in between! However, with so little information what does this mean for the heroes and villains of the DCU (DC Universe). Writer Geoff Johns will be working with artist Andy Kubert throughout the story arc which begins really soon. Flashpoint has seemingly already started in The Flash #6: Case One, Dastardly Death of the Rogues Pt. 6, and also teasers have been given from the DC source blog. So what will happen in this epic Flash story?

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Buy, Read, Pass – DC Edition

It’s been a while and due to the holiday’s I’m a little behind on my reading, but I’ve finally caught up! So this batch is everything DC that I’ve read and expect another two editions as well. Just as a refresher: “Buy” means you should pick up a copy because it’s either an instant classic or just a great book that you should be reading. A “Read” means if you have a friend who bought it then do so, but don’t go out of your way to get it. A “Skip” is for people that are following a certain title, but the issue may be a filler and not worth them picking up. And finally “Pass”, means that you shouldn’t waste your time or money on the book. Now on with the DC books!

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You Missed That Issue! – Bullseye: The Perfect Game

Several things have ruined Bullseye over the years. The first being the Daredevil movie in which Colin Farrell wore a stupid trench coat, shaved his head and carved a bullsye on his forehead. Since then he’s been used and misused countless times. If you ever needed a one shot villain it was Bullseye. Then Warren Ellis added him to the Thunderbolts and he was back his former glory the Kevin Smith restored him to previously. After that he became Hawkeye and then was killed by Daredevil in Shadowland. Then came “The Perfect Game” finally a story not written by Daniel Way and drawn by someone equally as bad.

The “Perfect Game” is a story told from the point of view of memorabilia collector. Not just any collect, but one that collect very rare items. The story goes as such: Bullseye, like any good assassin has an agent that field’s job offers to him. Bullseye being Bullseye likes to take jobs that are challenging to him, but also insulting to the people spectating the murder. 

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