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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Comic Fans on Comic Movies: Green Lantern The Movie

Being that this is the comic section who better to ask about this summer’s up coming comic book movie releases. In this feature we take a look at the up coming Green Lantern release. This is DC’s and parent companies first venture outside of Batman and Superman (not counting the Wonder Woman and Flash TV shows), so it’s a pretty big deal. Many comic fans were instantly crushed by the casting of Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordon so we decided to take a look at a hand full of released images both official and unofficial and give our thoughts and comments. Feel free to leave yours in the comments below or on the message board.

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DC Universe Online Legends #1 Review

Having no idea what to expect from this issue, I bought it based solely on the fact that I love playing the game and have already practically maxed out my character. I have seen a good portion of the in-game story and this comic can barely stand on it’s own. It is not just a companion piece for gamers though, but the first couple pages are actually word for word reiterations from the game that are actually annoying since people playing the game want something new and not the same re-hashed scenes. Luckily after only two pages this comic takes time expanding on the events happening after the first cutscene of the game. The art and story are not rave-worthy, but this series could turn out to be great given the right direction.

The beginning of this issue is the same as the game’s: Lex Luthor kills Superman. He enlisted the help of all the DC villains you can think of and successfully killed many great heroes including Batman. Unfortunately, his biggest ally, Brainiac, turns against him and begins annihilating the rest of the world that Lex had been promised. Now it’s up to Lex Luthor to save the Earth with the help of the few remaining allies he’s assembled – heroes and villains alike.

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Onslaught Unleashed… Again

Remember X-Man #15 back in1996 when Onslaught first appeared? Show up with a wacky voice, scaring people then chatted with Jean Grey, punked Juggernaut and locked him up in the Gem of Cyttorak (the source of Juggernaut’s power, man that was dumb), then basically stomped the X-Men. Well he’s back…again, bursting from the Negative Zone. Just where they left him in the end of Onslaught: Reborn.

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Buy, Read, Pass – Indie Edition

Well here’s the final holiday catch up edition of Buy, Read, Pass with one more mega edition to follow! Just as a refresher: “Buy” means you should pick up a copy because it’s either an instant classic or just a great book that you should be reading. A “Read” means if you have a friend who bought it then do so, but don’t go out of your way to get it. A “Skip” is for people that are following a certain title, but the issue may be a filler and not worth them picking up. And finally “Pass”, means that you shouldn’t waste your time or money on the book. Now on with the Indie books!

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Driver of the Dead #3 – Review

A little less magic in this issue, but a whole hell of a lot more action. Alabaster Graves finds deeper meaning to his true calling as he rushes to save Marissa from her impending doom at the hands of dead man.

When we last left Graves he was about to go into a swamp to kill one of the oldest living werewolves. He needs to stab it in the heart with a silver needle in order to kill Fallow with it. One of the white witches gives him a way to find the beast and Graves sets out to either kill or be killed. In an intense scene of action Graves is blindsided by the werewolf and forced underwater. There he sits and waits for his chance to strike. Just as the werewolf gets close, Graves jumps from the water and stabs him with the silver needle. The werewolf transforms into a man and begs to be killed before changing again. Graves doesn’t hesitate for a moment as he slits the man’s throat.

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Character Affinity: Riddler

An old nemesis of Batman, Riddler loves lacing his words with riddles possibly the result of a suggested abusive father that made him feel the need to tell the truth which he would do through riddles. He is a genius often characterized by others as a wimp. He has recently gone missing from Gotham City.

Riddler first appeared in Detective Comics #140 back in 1948. He was born in Watersbury as Edward E. Nigma and is known to the DC Universe as the Crowned Prince of Conundrums. He loved asking people questions and won a contest in his school to solve a puzzle and received a book full with puzzles and riddles furthering his obsession. Unfortunately Riddler did not just get a puzzle book from the contest. Instead of attracting positive attention like the Riddler always wanted because of his egotistical nature, Edward attracted the attention of numerous bullies. Riddler’s love of money made him upset to be part of the middle class, so he decided to turn to crime laced with his riddles giving himself more attention. Similar to the unwanted attention he got attention, unfortunately it was from the Batman.

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The Traveler # 2 – Review

In the end of the previous issue, the Split-Second man named Decay killed F.B.I. Agent Julia Martin. While that may not be the case of issue two, Traveler will do whatever it takes to stop Julia from dying. In this issue, we learn more about the past of The Traveler.

In the opening scenes, Julia is seen alive and well. However, in Kronas’ eyes he sees three different futures. The first two were Julia’s dead and the final fate was Julia holding her son. At this moment, Kronas alerted Julia that she was about to die in four seconds if she doesn’t move and together they speed to safety. Kronas still needs to take down Decay so he takes the car of an old man (whom looks a lot like Stan Lee) and speeds up time by ramming the car at Decay (with the old man safe of course). When Traveler considers turning himself in to protect Julia, Julia’s boyfriend (Ron) comes to make sure she is okay. With the look in Traveler’s face he knows who “Ron” is. Traveler is shown at an apartment taking his mask off, showing a silhouetted face. Seeing more than one future of him and Julia, Traveler remembers that Julia says he seems familiar.

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