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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Batman: Arkham City Mini in May

Batman: Arkham Asylum was one of the most successful video
games of 2009, and earned a Guinness World Record for the “Most
Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game Ever.”  This May, find out what
happened between Batman: Arkham Asylum and its highly
anticipated sequel in BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY, a six-issue miniseries that
bridges the gap between the two games, and leads into the game’s
release this fall.

Written by Batman: The Animated Series writer Paul Dini (who also penned both Arkham games) and drawn byBatman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City concept artist Carlos D’anda, BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY picks up one year after the original game, where former Arkham Warden turned newly elected Mayor of Gotham City Quincy Sharp has decided to close down the infamous institution. In its stead, he establishes “Arkham City,” the new maximum security “home” for all of Gotham City’s thugs, gangsters and insane criminal masterminds.  Set inside the heavily fortified walls of a sprawling district in the heart of Gotham City, inmates can roam free and do whatever they want as long as they don’t try to escape. To run this urban prison, Sharp has appointed Dr. Hugo Strange, a man who knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman. 

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Days Missing: Kestus #3 – Review

Another catastrophe and another interjection from the Steward, but this time there’s something far more sinister about the disaster waiting to happen. Days Missing launches into the modern era as the Steward must prevent the destruction of Apollo 11.

The Steward sits outside the fence waiting for the launch of Apollo 13 with a large crowd that is there for the same reason. After taking off a hundred feet or so, the ship experiences problems and comes crashing down towards the crowd. The Steward stands in the space craft’s way and stops time. He then folds the moment back upon itself several hours before the shuttles launch. He must now figure out what he hasn’t accounted for to make sure the mission is a success.

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Shipping in April – Archaia Press

It’s shipping time! You know the drill, each month publisher figure out what thier going to ship for the next few months and we’re lucky enough to be sent that list from several “Indie” publishers. Throw a stone and you can figure out what the “Big Two” are shipping, but it sometimes takes real effort to figure out what your favorite small publisher is shipping. So up first is Archaia Press with a handful of selections. If you’re not reading the “Feeding Ground” then let me say that book is tough!

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12 Gauge Comics Goes Digital With Graphicly

12-Gauge Comics is proud to announce that it’s critically acclaimed line of books are exclusively available for download across Graphicly’s digital family of platforms.  Immediately available are New York Times #1 bestselling author and 4-Time World Heavyweight Champion Mick Foley’s action-series R.P.M., the gritty crime drama 25 TO LIFE, and breakout hit MAGUS. Country music sensation Trace Adkins’ LUKE MC BAIN, THE RIDE, BOONDOCK SAINTS, BODY BAGS and other 12-Gauge favorites will follow soon.  To celebrate today’s announcement, MAGUS
 #1 is currently available for download free of charge, for a limited time.

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Days Missing: Kestus #2 – Review

Days Missing returns with the Steward trying to prevent another historical catastrophe this time it’s as Rome attacks the Egyptian city of Alexandria. The Steward is forced yet again to make pleas to both sides before damage is done to the progress of man. With everything happening around him so fast the Steward must make sure to save one little girl.

We last left the Steward thwarting the plans of Kestus’ army as a very sad and lonely Kestus road away. Now in Egypt we find the Steward on a Roman slave ship that is barreling down upon an Egyptian sea fleet. The Steward is trying to convince them that they will destroy a lot more than just the ships by throwing their lives away. The Stewards convinces two of the Romans not to go through with the plan when it’s revealed to be a suicide mission, but that doesn’t stop their third companion. He lites the ship on fire causing an explosion that no one other than the Steward can escape.

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Days Missing: Kestus #1 – Review

Days Missing is about one man’s journey through time to alter the course of humanity so that it may become what it is meant to be. The Steward is a man with extraordinary gifts that allow him to travel through time in an attempt to change history. Along one of those encounters he comes across a woman much like himself.

We open up in China in the year 531 BCE as the Steward has been captured by an army that is moving towards a Chinese settlement. The Steward is trying to prevent the destruction of the settlement, because if lost it will set mankind back hundreds of years. After getting nowhere with the leader of the army (Kestus), the Stewards makes his way to the settlement to warn them of the danger approaching. He takes a young blacksmith apprentice and teaches him how to make might spears and swords to stand up to the approaching army.

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Buy, Read, Pass – Everything On My Desk Edition

This is it, I’m finally caught up with the exception of trade paper backs (which don’t count). So here’s yet another jam packed edition of Buy, Pass, Read dubbed “Everything on My Desk Edition.” If you’re unfamiliar with the way the article works, I recommend checking out the last batch of Buy, Pass, Read’s for a walk through on how this works. Otherwise, let’s get going!

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