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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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DC Direct Toy Fair

Like toys/action figures? If you do, then DC Direct has some of the coolest toys lined up for later this year (and probably next year too). At the Javits Center in New York City this week, the Toy Fair has some of the most awesome and unusual toys you have ever seen! During the Toy Fair, DC Direct showed some of its newest toys and statues that will be coming out soon. So without further ado, check out these images!

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The Walking Dead Figures

Comic creator and writer Todd McFarlane also makes toys. Now he’s going to make a line of toys based on the Robert Kirkman and AMC’s hit The Walking Dead. 

The Walking Dead
tells the story of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse; it follows a
small group of survivors, traveling across the desolate United States in
search of a new home away from the shuffling hordes of the undead. The
group is led by Rick Grimes, who was a sheriff’s deputy in a small
Georgia town, before the zombie outbreak. As their situation grows more
and more grim, the group’s desperation to survive pushes them to the
brink of insanity. At every turn they are faced with unspeakable
horrors—both from the dead, and from the scattered remains of a
struggling human populace.

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Buy, Read, Pass – Everyone Dies Edition

Well there was a ton of deaths this week, so many B and C list deaths that you’ll really be wondering how and why they all ended up dead in the same week. I’ll try to put a big old *SPOILER* in before I say who dies, but then you’ll totally know some eats it in that issue so either way it’ll suck for whoever’s reading this. In that regard, you should probably read your own picks for the week before taking a gander at my list.

Ultimate Spider-Man #153 – Pass – This is the prelude to the “Death of Spider-man” saga happening across all of the Ultimate books. I should say all of the books that didn’t have a lazy ass writer on them that just kind of fell off after three or four issues. Yeah I’m looking at your Jeph Loeb! Anyways it’s not really a spoiler, but a bunch of civilians die and Mysterio looks just beyond stupid.

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My Top 20 Villains of All Time – Part Four

Okay guys, here it is: my top 5 villains
of all time. It has been extremely difficult choosing the right
villains to compress into such a short list. Honestly there are
already some positions I would like to change and others I wish I
could completely swap out for another character, but I was not going
to do a list bigger than this.

5.  He is gigantic and purple.
He is known as The Devourer of Worlds. He is Galactus, and he first
came to light in Fantastic Four #48. When he comes to earth, he
is a threat to the entire population and many heroes have to band
together to hold him off. He has returned many more times for
different reasons, mainly to destroy earth. His vast and immense
powers also make him pretty awesome. What adds to this character is
that it can be argued if he truly is a villain, as he only eats
planets so that he can survive. It is the depth of this character
that makes him an appealing villain to read.

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DC to Pull the Plug on the Following Books

DC has released their April 2011 solicitations. The folloing titles are reciving their FINAL ISSUE. So enjoy them while you can. They’ve said that it’s to make room for Flashpoint titles, which is typical of DC. They usually use event books as an excuse to thin the heard of low selling books. Usually fans of the books get really ticked off and begin a petition to keep their title going, but it never works. If this were Marvel on the other hand they would just put out the new titles as well and flood the market. Which is better? Who knows?

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Cyclops #4 – Review

Doug and his team continue their TV success as they run their first mission in Argentina. The manipulation of Multicorps runs even deeper as Doug may be getting in for more than he’s ready for. Also Doug’s past may have finally caught up to him.

It’s a typical mission for Doug’s team; they go into a city that’s supposed to be deserted, having already been cleared out by a black ops team. As they scout the city they find signs of blood and what seems like a gruesome scene. Multicorps CEO’s make sure that Doug’s team is given easy missions to limit his risk since they have so much invested in him. The mission goes south as a sniper takes out one of the soldiers. The team scatters into nearby woods only to find a massive grave… a familiar massive grave. The CEO’s freak out and send an immediate extraction for the team. Doug, his team and the TV audience have all seen too much this day.

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Shipping in April – Moonstone Books

Ah April’s comics, their right around the corner. They’re not? Well here’s a bunch of releases from Moonstone Books regardless. Moonstone has a lot of pulp comics with a dash of horror. I have to say they’re really finding their nitch in the industry. If you’re interested in what their books are about check out our review for Phantom: UnmaskedBattle for L.A. the Return of the Originals and Captain Action – Winter Special for a view of their Pulp titles. Then we have a review for Savage Beautywhich is set in modern day Africa. All are definitely worth a read if you’re looking for similar things to Marvel’s “The Twelve” or Dynamites “Project Superheroes”, so check them out. Otherwise, this is what Moonstone is offering in April.

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