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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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It Came From Beneath The Sea…Again!

1955, a giant octopus terrorized the Californian Coast, brought to
life by the legendary Ray
The U.S. Navy had thought they killed it, but it would appear that
maybe they had not achieved this goal.

Comics will be releasing the sequel to this classic with “It Came
From Beneath The Sea…Again”, written by Clay and Susan Griffith
(The Tick). Pencils are done by Chris Noeth (Tales From the Crypt)
and Todd Tennant. This time it’s set in the waters around Taru Taru, a
very small island out in the Pacific Ocean.

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Marineman #2 – Review

Ok, so we learnt from the last issue that the sea is the home for many fish, as well as Steve Ocean, aka Marineman, biologist. We also learnt that Steve’s dad works for the Navy. The second issue answers some questions raised in the previous, only to open a whole web of new ones.

In this issue Steve is showing Charlotte (the Lieutenant from the last issue) around the place, and it is clear she does not wish to spend any time with him, making it awkward for Steve. When they are having lunch a child screams as his mother has fallen over from a great height into the crashing waves below, Steve dives straight in and pulls her out. Demonstrating his skills to everybody around.

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Marineman #1 – Review

The ocean, what is it? Its the big
blue wet thing that covers about 70% of the earth. The inner-space if
you will. It is full of life. Be that sharks, whales, squids,
penguins and…extremely muscly men. Marineman is Image’s answer to
the oceanic hero genre.

Opening up with a free-diving sports
event going wrong, to then go straight into the story. The comic
follows Steve Ocean, a famous oceanographer with his own
documentaries. The public actually know him as “Marineman”, but
only as a nickname. With his friend Jake Clearwater (another fitting
name), they go to the institute where Steven’s father works. When
there Steven goes down the “basement” level which happens to be a
secret navy base where he meets a Lieutenant Charlotte Greene.

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The Spider #1 – Review

Moonstone is back with another dose of Pulp and this time it’s the Spider who dates back to the 1930’s. The story opens with a Miss Van Sloan running for her life. She makes it to a gas station and begs the man inside to help her that is until some undead arms break through the glass of the door. Meanwhile, Richard Wentworth (The Spiders alter-ego) is having a friendly drink with Commissioner Kirkpatrick that turns into an interrogation. Kirkpatrick seems to believe that Wentworth has some connection to the Spider, but alludes to it being more of a supporting role rather than actually being the masked man.

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Pitch Session! – Batman

Come with us as we pitch some of comics biggest events and not so big events to your favorite editors, writers and artist in comics past, present and future. Image what it was like to sit down and pitch the death of Batman and everything that followed. This pitch session we meet with Dan Didio EIC of DC Comics and take you on a journey of that faithful day when we planned to killed Batman!

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Flaming Headed Zombies!

a company that has already made The Walking Dead merchandise with drink
glasses have expanded their variety with new The Walking Dead zippo
lighters. Beginning with only four different types, they are each sold
seperately and come packaged in a gift box for $19.99 plus shipping and
handling. Each lighter having a different character or scene depicted in
the comic book series. The artwork on each lighter has been done by the
award winning illustrator Charlie Adlard, who has done artwork for the
comic book series.   

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Twilight Guardian #1 – Review

Twilight Guardian is the most realistic take on a masked vigilante living in the real world. Forget Kick-Ass, for as much as it did Kick-Ass still fell into the same pitfalls of any other comic. Twilight Guardian on the other hand is completely different. Our main character is an unknown woman that patrols a nine block radius in her own neighborhood. She has different routes and routines to throw off anyone from figuring out her routine, but what she doesn’t have is a villain.

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