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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Creator Affinity – Garth Ennis

Well known for his religious satire and violent works, Garth Ennis is a man that worked his way up for some time before becoming a strong household name. He would mostly be known for Preacher and his seven year run on Marvel’s Punisher MAX series.

Ennis began his comic writing career at the young age of 19 (so don’t procrastinate people!) with his series Troubled Souls. It gained a sequel known as For A Few Troubles More. From here he moved on to Judge Dredd, taking over from the original creator. With top selling stories such as Muzak Killer, Emerald Isle and the twenty parter Judgement Day.

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Opening The Chest – Captain America #316 Review

I thought that it would be cool to every now and then review an old comic. To open the chest with hopes to pull out a piece of treasure and not junk. After plunging my hands into the dark depths of my collection and fishing around for a while, I was able to pull one out with my arm still intact. The comic comes circa 1985 and is Captain America #316.

Steve Rogers is having a hard time with his girlfriend Bernie Rosenthal. He is finding it harder and harder to find time for her ever since he created the Captain America Hotline. At the same time Hawkeye and Mockingbird drop in to visit as the former has been subpoenaed to testify in court. Not only that but Armadillo (who had a confrontation with Cap in #308) decides to go on a rampage and then hoping to kill himself because he learns of something quite sad about his wife.

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R.P.M. #3 – Review

Paul Revere is a courier that always delivers his package. His current mission is taking a synthetically made diamond to be authenticated and deliver the makers daughter Mackenzie as well. The problem he’s running into is that an Embassy from the African nation of Angolan is trying to stop him. He’s doesn’t want the diamond to be authenticated because it would put his company out of business and then he couldn’t use the citizens for cheap labor. Right now Paul has the diamond, but not the daughter. His current plan is to jump onto top of the speeding car with her in it, but as you can imagine that doesn’t work out to well. The speeding car is driving by Dominic, who is a turn coat as he used to work for the girl’s father and is now helping kidnap her.

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The Traveler # 4 – Review

In the last issue Ron crashed into some one very familiar to him, or rather her picture is familiar to him. Danielle the woman Kronus rescued from the first issue has been driving without her glasses ever since her rescue and because of it has crashed her car. Ron recognizes her from Julia’s case file, but can’t deal with it at the moment since he’s on his way to his big experiment. They exchange information and Ron takes off to catch a bus. He jumps on and wouldn’t you know it… it’s the driver that Kronus saved in the second issue. Ron drifts off into a daydream about Julia and begins kicking himself for missing his change to ask for her hand in marriage. He drifts so much that he misses his stop. He begs the bus driver to stop, but the bus driver can’t be late again after all he promised Kronus. Ron sweat talks him for a bit and finally the driver lets him off and Ron has to run back to the faculty. Back at the lab Colding and three very familiar men (split second men) are preparing the experiment that is destined to fail. Julia arrives looking for her father and we can see that everyone is in very futuristic lab suits that leave little to the imagination. Colding informs her that he has seen Martin and wondered if she knew where he was, which is a lie since he killed him the night before.

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Robocop Statue Could Happen

In February 2011 there was a humorous ploy asking Detroit Mayor Dave
Bing if there was to be a RoboCop statue in his ‘New Detroit’ proposal,
which is planned to turn Detroit back into a prosperous city again. When
the Mayor said there was no such plan, and word of this reached the
internet, there were several fund raising events to raise enough money
for the statue which would be built at the Imagination Station. There is
yet to be seen if there will actually be a statue built, but it is
reported that over $50,000 has already been raised on the internet.

Detroit — It looks like a RoboCop statue may be erected in Detroit after all.Just
six days after an online fundraising campaign began, a loosely
organized group of Detroiters has raised more than $50,000 to build a
statue to pay homage to the 1987 film.The group met its goal following a $25,000 matching gift Tuesday evening from a company called Omni Consumer Products.The group is using Kickstarter.com, a “crowd-raising” website that challenges visitors to help meet a short-term goal.

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Penny For Your Soul – The Temptation of Mary Magdalene

Spinning off of the series “Penny For Your Soul” the special follows a day in the life of Mary Magdalene the new manager of the casino and hotel where you can sell your soul for 10,000 dollars. The catch is that when you die you come and work for the hotel rather than go to Heaven or Hell. Two men are considering the transaction as they gaze at Mary’s beautiful body from a distance. The men are about to sign the contract when one of them wants a date with Mary to be included. He has delusions of sleeping with someone that hooked up with Jesus. Mary says that she’s far too busy and not that interested in their souls, until the man says they’ll both spend their $10,000 on her. Mary perks up and agrees to the offer.

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Missing Linx TPB – Review

The story opens with Owen Crockett and his two sons Zack and Luke camping in the woods. It’s their father son time whether the all like it or not. Everything is casual and normal until a huge red Manticore invades their camp. Thankfully for the family the “missing linx’s” are right behind them. Yeti and Sasquatch make quick work of the Manticore with their team work. After knocking out the beast Skunk Ape uses his new shrink ray to as you can imagine shrink the Manticore and place it in a containment device.

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