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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Echoes #3 – Review

In the last issue Brian arrived at home to be questioned by a police detective (Neville) and then found a package addressed to him that contained a doll of the missing little girl’s remains. Brian begins freaking out and begins to think that he may have actually done it and killed the little girl like his father before him did. He decides after much battle with himself that he should call the officer that questioned him to turn himself in. When Neville finally answers the phone, Brain tells him that he remembered something that may help. The Officer asks to meet with him and Brian foolishly agrees. Neville comes over to his house and they meet out back. He gives him a description of a make believe man and even Brian can’t believe his lies. He asks Neville for a cigarette, but for him not to tell his wife. Neville asks to meet him again this time by the school that he was scene watching the girl at. The next morning Brian meets at the school. Neville shows him a picture of a man that Brian surprisingly knows. The man’s name is Chris and he has brain damage from a car accident in high school. The detective makes Brian take him to Chris’ house.

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Morning Glories #7 – Review

Morning Glories returns with a brand new story arc and a place for new readers to jump onto. The story opens up with a man named Andrew in a very poor part of India. He’s come to find an extraordinary child and isn’t disappointed. The young girl will grow up to be Zoe, but in the meantime she’s already learned English just by Andrew’s presences. Since Zoe is an orphan he has it arranged for her to be taken to America and put with a particular family. Flashing forward to the present, we find Zoe and Casey alone in their room. Casey asks what Zoe’s problem is and Zoe answers her by going off. She chews Casey out for not trusting her enough to include her on the fine details of her rescue mission and storms out of the room. While walking she comes across a team of cheerleaders practicing. Zoe can’t believe that this screwed up school actually has a cheer team. As the practice lets out one of the girls catches up with Zoe and begins talking to her.

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Heroes and Quitting

When the tough times come, the hero get packing? Wait that isn’t right! Heroes are here to the very end; they will lay their life on the line for a better tomorrow that’s what makes them hero’s right? They make all the hard choices and usually get nothing in return, but why do they sometimes give in to the circumstances? While most of them can hurl lightning, or have a million dollar battle suit, or is one of the greatest symbols of hope on the planet, heroes have given in. Look at Spider-Man for instance. He has conquered if not all yet, but close to every bit of tragedy a hero can possibly have. His very first tragedy was the death of his Uncle Ben at the hands of a killer that he could have stopped. However, because of being young and selfish Spider-Man is the man born from that fateful day. Through and through, Spider-Man has battled poverty, family security, bad health, and death throughout his 49 years of creation since 1962. However why do heroes, like Spider-Man just throw in the towel and say “I quit” some time down the road?

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Zombies vs. Robots – It’s a Movie Now

Hollywood’s fixation with robots and the undead has fueled a spec package deal that includes underlying rights to the IDW Zombies Vs. Robots. JT Petty has used the Ashley Wood/Chris Ryall-created comic as the basis for a spec script called Inherit the Earth. The film will be a co-production between Platinum Dunes, Circle of Confusion and IDW, produced by Michael Bay, Brad Fuller, Andrew Form, Dave Alpert and Rick Jacobs. Ted Adams will act as Executive Producer for the project. The story focuses on a young girl who is the last survivor on Earth. She is protected from a pack of intelligent and evolved zombies by a group of robots. Even though it sounds like it could be on the undercard, the comic title is unrelated to Cowboys & AliensTransformers‘ director Bay has more than enough experience with robots to turn this into something exceptional. Jonathan Kadin and Hannah Minghella will oversee for Sony. IDW’s title World War Robot is being developed by Jerry Bruckheimer.

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BOOM! Studios Wins a Gem from Diamond

February 22, 2010 – Los Angeles, CAFor
the second year in a row BOOM! Studios is proud to announce they’ve
been awarded Diamond Comic Distributor’s 2010 Gem Award for Comic Book
Publisher of the Year Under 4%.
“Thanks so much to Diamond Comics and
retailers everywhere for awarding us Comic Book Publisher of the Year
under 4% for the second year in a row!” says BOOM! Studios Founder and
CEO Ross Richie.”The people at BOOM! are some of the hardest working
individuals I’ve ever seen in comics and it’s rewarding to see all that
effort recognized. We’ll be shooting for a third year win!”

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Roger Langridge Goes Kaboom!

Boom! and Kaboom!’s second “announcement” this week is that Roger Langridge will be joining Kaboom! which is of course the new kids line from Boom! Studios. The title that Langridge is bringing is titled Snarked and suspisously looks like two characters from Alice in Wonderland. If the name sounds familar it might be do to the fact that he wrote Boom! The Muppet Show and Marvel’s recently cancelled Thor: The Mighty Avenger. Both are terrific books that appeal to all ages. Kaboom! is coming out strong we can only wait to see what comes tomorrow.

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Graphic.ly Goes Android

Hey Android users! You finally have an app for comic books! No more of those one off issues that count as an app themselves. Graphic.ly announced today that they’re on the Android market place and not that they said, but before Comixology got out of their beta app stage. The deal is that anything you buy on the Android you can read anywhere else. Meaning you can read it on your PC or on your phone or in the Chrome app as well. Which is better than the crappy Marvel app that only allows you to read the books you bough on Chrome… on Chrome. This is also the first and currenlty only app to have Marvel books on the Android market place so if you need your Marvel fix you can do so now. Personally I alreay have Graphic.ly on my Windows Phone 7 so I don’t particularly care, but it’s good to spread the word.

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