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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Space Warped and Word Girl Go Kaboom!

Kaboom! is rolling out the news this week. I’m beginning to think that losing Pixar and Disney was the best thing to happen to Boom! From it’s ashes rises four announcements with (I’m assuming) a fifth one tomorrow. So far we have the Peanuts at Kaboom! with rumors that it may be original material. Roger Langridge of Thor: The Might Avenger fame and the addition of two new titles “Spaced Warped” which looks a lot like Star Wars. Lastly we have “Word Girl” which defintely seems like it’s geared for younger children. What I have to say I’m looking forward to about this line is that it’s not seventy year old characters people are familar with watered down for children. In the case of “Word Girl” at least it looks like a kids superhero book. We’ll have to see what else Kaboom! has planned and what the release schedule is like, but with what little we know… it looks good!

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Nemesis Hardcover – Review

“First of all, may I congratulate you on your success against a most formidable opponent. You succeeded where many significant others failed and deserve all the accolades paid to you in the media” perhaps this quote from Nemesis is best suited to the extraordinary, creative team of this four issue, mature miniseries, published by Marvel’s creator own banner Icon. The third collaboration between Mark Millar and Steve McNiven. The creators of Marvel’s Civil War and Old man Logan. This time together in their own book. Althogh this series is short and came out a while ago, the collected hardcover edition was released to non direct market readers this month. 

So what does this series offers? it gives the readers the right dose of brutal, adrenaline-driven-needle-in-your-eye-action. With McNiven drawing with a keen, modern, cinematic eye on the page. The readers are injected into a sequential movie, rather than the ordinary sequential art comic book.  McNiven’s art has always been impressive but is his storytelling technique that has grown; portraying and developing the right rhythm, panel to panel, making this book a joy just to look at. Heck, you can read the story without the word balloons.

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DC Character Affinity: Superboy-Prime

Antihero is a protagonist of a drama, or narrative, who is notably lacking in heroic qualities. With lack of positive qualities such as: courage, physical prowess, fortitude and generally feel helpless in a world over which they have no control. All these qualities normally belonging to villains, misunderstood villains like Superboy-Prime. As one of the many alternate Supermans, Prime resides on an Earth known as Earth Prime. Where DC only characters exists as fictional characters and nothing more. While Kal-El Prime was still a toddler, his scientist father made a grave discovery. Jor-El Prime learned that a massive solar flare from Krypton’s red sun threatened to engulf their home world, ultimately destroying it. In a New England seacoast town, Jerry and Naomi Kent were hiking through the forests when they discovered the abandoned toddler. They decided to adopt him and raise him as their own. Naomi chose to name him Clark, despite the fact that Clark Kent was the name of a popular comic book hero known as Superman. Unlike his namesake however, Clark Kent grew up without the benefit of super-powers.

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DC’s First Wave is Over!

The Spirit. Doc Savage, the Blackhawks and Rima the Jungle Girl. First Wave is a series of books that combine Golden Age characters with Will Eisner’s The Spirit world with a 1940s styles Batman thrown in is getting the axe due to low sales and the fact that the rights were getting to be too costly.

First Wave was spearheaded by writer Brian Azzarello a few years ago as a way to expand the DC Universe with some classic adventure characters. The line kicked off with a Batman/Doc Savage team-up and has continued with a First Wave miniseries by Azzarello and Rags Morales which wraps up next week. JG Jones was recently announced to be taking over the DOC SAVAGE book, and he sounded pretty enthused. Looks like these guys will have some free time on their hands.

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Age of X: Chapters 1 & 2 – Review

The “Age of X” kicked off this week in a big way with the first two installments of the crossover event. The first chapter takes place in X-Men: Legacy and the second in New Mutants, with both chapters written by Mike Carey the brain child behind the cross-over. The series seems heavily influenced by the “Age of Apocalypse” the 90’s series that for four months changed the title and setting of all the X-Books as a parallel world showed what would have happened if Xavier had never started the X-Men. This series is much the same way, but the presence of Xavier is still in the book. The X gene has been outlawed and as such anyone born with the gene is put to death either on the spot or in prison. Because of this all the Mutants of the world have been pushed into one area called Fortress X. The mutants are attacked by mankind who break their magic barrier to attack them every single day.

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The Creator of Facebook Comes to Comics

Mark Zuckerberg (the creator of Facebook) enters the comic book world in a new comic book simply called Mark Zuckerberg (originality abounds). The comic is produced by an independent comic book company in Vancouver, Bluewater Productions Inc, written by freelance journalist Jerome Maida, and illustrated by Sal Field. After Mark Zuckerberg’s portrayal in the movie “The Social Network,” a movie chronicling the creation of Facebook and its creator, Bluewater Productions promises that this issue will present a different kind of Mark Zuckerberg rather than the cruel man stealing his friends’ ideas for Facebook portrayed in the movie. The scrip’s tone will still have a tone similar to the movie. The comic has also been proposed as the possible script for an animated movie about Zuckerberg.

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Who Is Jake Ellis #2 – Review

The action continues in this fast paced action mystery that’s part Jason Bourne and part Wolverine. Jon is captured and not only does he need to figure out which agency is coming after, but also how many agencies are coming after him. Then when he has a chance to breath he needs to figure out who set him up in the first place. The book begins with two men dragging subject eleven back to his holding cell. Scientists can be heard discussing remote viewing and testing upon the patient that the reader will come to know as Jon. One of the men asks if he’s having visions yet so that he can report something back to his superiors. Then a voice begins talking from the corner of the Jon’s locked cell. He turns to see a man wearing an all-black suit with red tie standing in the corner. He tells him that if he wants to get out of there he needs to listen to him.

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