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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Murder is Afoot in March With Kill Shakespeare

The critically-acclaimed comic published by IDW, which places some of the Bard’s greatest characters together in the same story, is releasing its 9th issue this week and its 10th – featuring the death of one of the bard’s greatest creations – will be published April 20 (to commemorate the anniversary of Shakespeare’s own death and birth). “With the murder of Julius Caesar famously taking place on the Ides of March we thought it only fitting that we too conspire to kill a legend. We think Shakespeare would approve. After all, he may be the greatest literary mass-murderer in history, but even he would be shocked with what we have in store for his characters,” says co-creator Conor McCreery.

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Happiness is the First Peanuts Graphic Novel

This March, join Charlie Brown, Linus, Snoopy and all your favorite PEANUTS characters as Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown, the very first PEANUTS graphic novel ever published, is released by newly-launched all-ages imprint kaboom! Based on the work by PEANUTS creator Charles M. Schulz himself, this graphic novel is sure to delight a whole new generation of PEANUTS fans! “We’re honored to publish such a beloved property,” BOOM! Studios Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Ross Richie said. “I can think of no better way to kick-off our new all-ages imprint kaboom! than with the first PEANUTS graphic novel ever published!”

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Lucid #4 – Review

Our billionaire responsible for the recreation of the Illuminati has come back down from orbiting the earth on his private space station for his birthday celebration. Matthew and Wren will need to crash the billionaire’s exclusive party, but before that Matthew must clear his head if he’s going to possibly go up against the man who killed Kennedy and another who may be the Pendragon. He begins walking back to his room when he sees a glowing light coming out of the window. He kicks in the door to find Ariah sitting naked on his bed. Turns out that she can manifest her physical form on a full moon night and she’s quick to clear Matthews mind before the night is over.

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DC Character Affinity: Agent Orange (Larfleeze)

Mine! Mine! This is what you hear when you face Agent Orange, better known as
Larfleeze. Every time I read something
with this character I just get so giddy like a kid and I can help but chuckle
at what he might do next. The Character
was created by Geoff Johns as a key participant in the Blackest Night plot
line. He represents the orange color spectrum which in turn represents Avarice
or greed in the color spectrum. His origin is part of what makes this
character so intriguing to me. His origin is explained in a conversation between Hal and himself in Issue 41 of Green Lantern. Larfleeze’s origin took place billions of years ago when Larfleeze was a member of a small group of thieves that specialized themselves in stealing artifacts from their home world Maltus.  In one of their adventures the group was off to find a mysterious box that was supposedly worth an entire star system to the right buyer. Worried that the group might succeed in their mission, the Guardians sent their Manhunters to pursue the group.

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Kill Shakespeare Vol 1 – Review

With a name like “Kill Shakespeare” I wondered what type of a story I would be getting. Would it be set in England and deal with a man trying to kill Shakespeare before he could create his greatest works? And is that interesting? I never imagined that it would be a world in which all of Shakespeare’s characters and creations lived side by side and that the goal of the book was to actually kill William Shakespeare.

The story opens after the events in Hamlet. He’s just killed his father’s friend and his mother is now lying in the bed of the man who killed his father and current king of Denmark. Hamlet is banished from his home and sent to England. He’s very remorseful that he killed an innocent man that was a true friend to his father and did not get the revenge on his father’s killer. Hamlet spends his final moments at home visiting his father’s grave, until he is visited by a vision. A witch calls him forth with his father’s voice and calls him a murderer. Hamlet pulls his sword and strikes at the witch, for the accidental death of Polonius was not murder but mistaken identity. In Hamlet’s heart of hearts he knows that he takes no joy in death and is mournful for Polonius’ death.

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Barry Allen is Back? The Dastardly Death of the Rogues Hardcover

If you check your local bookstore this month, you might find the frantic adventures of resurrected speedster Barry Allen in the collected edition of The Flash-
“The Dastardly Death of the Rogues.” This book contains issues one
through seven of the Flash’s monthly and secret origin special. Written
by Geoff Johns and drawn by Francis Manapul, with a back up drawn by
Scott Kolins. Now Johns is no stranger to The Flash as he and
Kolins did a fantastic run on that title during the Wally West mantle.
During that previous run, Flash’s Rogues were updated and organized. The
Rogues were revitalized, almost becoming more interesting than the hero
himself and to some point they also worked as a type of supporting cast
to that title. After Johns’ departure from the title, so were the Rogues
to an extent. Now Johns is back and with him are the Rogues. This time
around with Barry Allen, the original Silver Age Flash. But what has
changed? Five different Flashes? Is this CSI Flash? Do I have to worry
about all this continuity mess?

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Carbon Grey #1 – Advanced Review

Carbon Grey comes across like the younger sister of “The Red Star”, but has the character design and cast of any cell shaded fighting video game. This comic is what I’d call a “concept book”, meaning the ideas and the characters are all very cool and unique, but the story is there to get our characters into the scenes of action desired by the creators. As it falls this is just an average comic from Image that is into all the same trappings as a creator owned book with no clear editor involved.

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