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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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The Intrepids #1 – Advanced Review

The Intrepids, is a new monthly from image comics. Written by Kurtis J. Weibe and drawn by Scott Kowalchuk. The story centers around a group of augmented or altered humans, who fight the good fight against mad scientists. This book plays in a mix of 50’s pulp and 40’s noir. Here you will meet Doyle (the strong guy) Chester (the gadget expert) Rose (rocket girl) and Crystal (the sharpshooter) they were all forgotten children picked by the mechanical engeniring prodigy named, Dante. In the book we get thrown in the mist of a mission, the Intrepids are hard at work sabotaging the plans of a mad scientist. This mad scientist has a love for altering animals into savage killing machines. In this case is a cyber bear, that for some reason looks a bit like a care bear on acid.

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Daomu #2 – Advanced Review

Daomu # 2 follows Sean Wu, who just so happens to be the heir to the ancient Daomu legacy. He continues to investigate the the mystery left by his slain father, Steven Wu. Once the prodigal son of the Daomu, Steven had gone rouge and become a mercenary for hire. All that managed to do was to gain him some unwanted attention. Knowing that his death was immanent he attempts to reunite with his son Sean and pass everything onto him. Sean now finds himself at his father’s house in the basement and staring face to face with a six armed humanoid in a coffin. Sean continues to stare infatuated with the creature until the voice of Tsai, Sean’s uncle gets his attention. The two go back up stairs and Tsai begins to explain Stevens mind state in his final days and how Sean is to take up the Daomu legacy. To top it all off Sean learns of an inheritance and how he needs to go on the initiative to prove his worth to the rest of the Daomu crew. Sean blows all of this off until Tsai shows him a set of 1,000 year old scrolls that are a map to great fortune. If Sean takes him up on his offer and becomes the new leader, he’ll never have to worry about anything ever again.


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Days Missing: Kestus #4 – Review

The Days Missing timeline is catching up with our own as its next stop is January 1, 2000 where someone made Y2K actually happen! That’s where our story begins. With panic and chaos in the street as people’s fears come true and technology has seized to work. The Steward rushes to the top of a building to stop an EMP bomb from going off, but instead catches the blast to his chest. He does what he does best and folds time in on itself giving him another day to try and fix the world. The Steward’s mind drifts to another time when such a bomb would have been created by Kestus. He thinks back to 1944 and the creation of the first atom bomb. The Steward and Kestus have a heated argument as she is trying to prevent the creation of the bomb and the Steward is allowing it to be created and controlled by the Americans. After folding time the Steward finds himself still standing on the roof of the explosion a mere day before the fake Y2K is unleashed. Kestus is standing behind him waiting for him, wondering why it took him so long to show up. The Steward is shocked as to how she found him so quickly. She explains that he gives off a very unique power signature when he uses his abilities that allows for her to track him.

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DC Character Affinity: Doomsday

With the “Reign of Doomsday” already starting at DC (be it a slow start) what better character to look at than Doomsday? Sure everyone knows him as the man who killed Superman, but what else is there to this character? Doomsday is practically a house hold name and makes people shit their pants upon his arrival, but why? What is it about this character that is so scary that he chills even the likes of Darkseid? Well let’s start with the boring stuff first the origin story. Born on Krypton and dubbed “The Ultimate” he was a test tube baby that was exposed to the planets harsh environments. After each death the remains of the child were gathered and used again in order to create the perfect life form. Well go figure those deaths were genetically remembered in each clone and after tons of deaths “The Ultimate” became a bit nuts and now hates all life. He hitched a ride on a supply ship sent to the planet and began a 245,000 year murdering spree. Finally he was “killed” by a being called the Radiant on the planet Calaton. As customary on the planet they suited and shackled him, then put him in a big metal coffin and shot him into space where eventually he landed on earth.

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“Classic” New Future Foundation Cover

Stan Goldberg, the original colourist
for Fantastic Four #1 way back in 1961 has returned to Marvel’s
family, now known as the Future Foundation, with a variant cover that
no Fantastic Four fan should miss out on, especially those that have
been following the series for a long time.
 This march, the three remaining
members of the Richards family, teamed with Spider-Man will do
anything they can to solve all the problems of the universe and
prevent any others from starting.
 Make sure you get in on this new
series written by creative genius Jonathan Hickman and artist Steve

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Herculian #1 – Advanced Review

Take a trip back to the golden-age with this reprint of Erik Larsen’s Popgun strip’s and his 24-hour comic “Guy Talk.” There are plenty of problems that can be scrutinized with this comic due mostly to its age, but it is still a fun read – the only question is whether or not it is worth the five dollar price tag and if you can withstand the other half of the comic that is offensive. I will be mentioning how the art works with the story but I will refrain from rating it for one simple reason – all art was similar to this comic back in the Golden Age, so if you’re familiar with the style and either like it or don’t care you should be fine.

The first and longest story in the comic is “Guy Talk,” a story flashing back and forth between two brothers having a bite to eat at a restaurant and talking about one’s upcoming marriage and two super-powered beings going at it.

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Chew #17 – Advanced Review

Out of most American people you find, sometimes you will come across strange people. Most Americans you meet/greet they won’t be as strange as – Tony Chu. Tony is cibopathic this means he can eat a piece of bacon and know what was used to kill the pig or he could eat fruit and get a totally different reaction. With this power Tony has used his ability to take a bite out of crime and helps the F.D.A. find mysterious criminals that have evaded the law. Written by John Laymen and illustrated by Rob Guillory. Tony and John go back to school and find out about a murder that occurred not only at school, but also in space!

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