Genecy #1 – Review
The Grunnod have a problem, it seems that the entire race of people that they have enslaved have been planning a jailbreak for the last centennium (a century). The slaves plan a thieft of a star ship, but the Grunnod’s are on to them. Regarless, the people that have desired freedom for so long are going take it any ways. A full blown riot ensues as everyone scrambles for freedom. Unfortunately the fleet of ships for the evacuation are nearly all destroyed. The anarchy jumps to another level as there is only one ship that is able to take off from the planet’s atmosphere. Unable to take everyone, a fight erupts to see who will survive. By the grace of Geshemah the mastermind behind the escape, Kaizaax is spared and given a key to his past. The last ship doesn’t get far before it too is destroyed, somehow Kaizaax is teleported to the dome of Raknirod.