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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Genecy #1 – Review

The Grunnod have a problem, it seems that the entire race of people that they have enslaved have been planning a jailbreak for the last centennium (a century). The slaves plan a thieft of a star ship, but the Grunnod’s are on to them. Regarless, the people that have desired freedom for so long are going take it any ways. A full blown riot ensues as everyone scrambles for freedom. Unfortunately the fleet of ships for the evacuation are nearly all destroyed. The anarchy jumps to another level as there is only one ship that is able to take off from the planet’s atmosphere. Unable to take everyone, a fight erupts to see who will survive. By the grace of Geshemah the mastermind behind the escape, Kaizaax is spared and given a key to his past. The last ship doesn’t get far before it too is destroyed, somehow Kaizaax is teleported to the dome of Raknirod.

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Marvel Movie Night: Inhumans

How cosmic is the Marvel Movieverse getting? The studio is now developing The Inhumans for the big screen. One of Marvel’s niche titles, The Inhumans is a blend of science fiction, fantasy and royal drama. The Inhumans are a race of superbeings who live on the dark side of the Moon; they were created by the alien race the Kree millions of years ago in experiments on primitive humans are considered the first mutants. The Inhumans are ruled by a royal family, headed by Black Bolt, who never speaks because the sound of his voice is wildly destructive. There’s a whole motley group of them and they even have a big mutant space-dog named Lockjaw.

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Starborn # 4 – Review

Starborn is a mix between Halo, the Last Star Fighter, The Matrix and as we discover in this issue Eragon. Bejamin Warner was dreaming his life away, writing a sci-fi novel and going nowhere in his boring ten to five desk job, now he is running for his life from the same space aliens he was writing about. In the last issue we ended with Benjamin and Tara Takamoto (Benjamin’s sexy shape shifting bodyguard) caught between the impending forces of the beast men of the Pryde. Unfortunately Benjamin cannot use the gauntlet to escape this time. Still unaware of this, Ben uses the gauntlet only to display a flash of light, this was enough distraction for Tara to make her way among the Pryde. In doing so, Tara gets hurt but not too bad, this leads them right into a group called the witches of Arbor. The witches of Arbor apparently killed Benjamin’s parents. The witches don’t want to use violence to resolved this conflict but as Tara charge against them, they used what looks to be telekinesis or some type of antigravity magic on her.

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The Li’l Depressed Boy #2 – Advanced Review

Geek heaven comes in this package of creativity with a mixture of humor in the second issue of The Li’l Depressed Boy. There is not a compelling story or even memorable art, but the characters and constant humor are great for taking your mind off of a stressful day and doing what was meant to be done with a comic: laughing hysterically while forgetting the rest of the world exists before turning to the last page and realizing you have to wait another month to enjoy the next issue of Li’l Depressed Boy.After meeting the girl of his dreams, we follow our li’l depressed boy as he realizes he’s in quite the dilemma – after a debatable one-and-a-half dates with this girl he realizes he does not know her name. Add in zombies, comic books and video games and this series proves to be the ultimate spoof of some of the classics.

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Marvel Character Affinity: The Thing

ITS CLOBBERING TIME!!  This is Thing’s battle cry before going into action. Ah yes, Thing, Marvel’s oldest and one of their most popular monsters. This character was created in 1961 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby along with the other three members of the Fantastic Four starring in their own comic of the same name. The Thing , whose real name is Ben Grimm,  is a native New Yorker from one of the toughest city blocks Yancy Street. The Thing’s origin is very simple yet brilliant for its time. He and the other three Fantastics go out into to space for exploration. When the crew arrives to their destination, they are unexpectedly hit by a cosmic ray and exposed to cosmic radiation. Once the new heroes are hit by the cosmic ray radiation, they along with their ship crash back to earth.  All the members of the ship survive and gain some incredible powers. Reed Richards(Mr. Fantastic) inherit elasticity, Sue Richards (Invisible Woman) can turn invisible and Johnny Storm (Human Torch) can turn into fire and manipulate it.

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27 #1 – Review

William Garland is a music God. After years of struggling through all the music industry clichés Will and his band play a sold out show for twenty-two thousand fans at the Staples Center in L.A. A year later Will is practically broke and travels from doctor to doctor to fix his left hand. As a guitarist his left hand is his fret hand and there for his most important of the two. He went from having magic fingers to being dropped by his label and sued by his band mates. Will has literally traveled the world looking for a Doctor that can fix his hand, but it has finally come down to one last experimental doctor that’s willing to take the last of his money to fix him. He meets him in a dark and seedy warehouse where he’s strapped into an apparatus that the “doctor”, one Hargrave Swinthe has created. Hargrave hooks the device up to nine cats and explains to Will the cats have a strong association with the number nine. Nine lives times nine cats equals 81 and eight plus one equals nine. Hargrave then undresses himself to reveal a tribal body tattoo and prepares to be a part of the experiment as well. He flips the switch to the device and electricity shoots through the two men and the cats.

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7 Disney Princesses = 7 Deadly Sins

Well there isn’t quite 7 Disney princesses shown, but the Tinkerbell there is an appropriate choice for her sin of Envy. Coming to me via Twitter from user @DeeNuke who found it on Tumbler, which came from DeviantART (isn’t the internet fun!). You can check out artist chill07’s Disney inspired 7 Deadly Sins where you’ll see Jasmine as Wrath, Ariel as Greed, Cinderella as Lust which I found very fitting and a few others that I’m sure you can figure out. If the sins just aren’t your thing you can also check out 7 Virtures with the Dinsey princesses from artist pat7 that was also discovered by @DeeNuke aka Andreea D. Personally I love Chris Hill’s (chil07) art style and after checking out his page I hope to see more from him in the future. His coloring in particular is very good and what really makes the art stand out. So sit back and take in some cool art with everyone’s favorite Disney women.

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