Magus # 3 – Review
continues to force its way back into the world. The
issue begins in the cave where magic has been sealed off from the world.
is the Guardian that is currently in charge of guarding it. As the cave
around him continues to shake he awakens the other Guardians. They take
sleeping and guarding the seal. Jaimini and Elo wake up to see the cave
and change their mood from angry to worried very quickly.
Back with our main group, Danae receives a text message
telling her that Lena is not the person bringing magic back into the world.
Instead of calling her boss she decides to chew out Samuel who used to belong
to a different group called the Brotherhood of the Dominion. There he used to be the
number three inquisitor and would murder magic users. Even though he’s switched sides and helped her, Danae tells him that if
he doesn’t take a hike she’s going to call her boss and have a slew of
Guardians rain down upon him. Reluctantly Samuel takes off leaving Danae,
Father Swain, Darius, Lena and Ben to fend for themselves.