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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Shipping in July – Moonstone Books

Who can no longer wait till July? I know I can’t wait to read Buckaroo Banzai! Moonstone looks like they have a whole slew of new releases in July and collected trades. More than likely you’ll get a review for each of these releases so fear not we have you covered there. Keep checking the site this week as we have a ton of Moonstone news for you. So if you’re in need of your pulp fix… its a coming! In the meantime sit back and check out what’s coming down the pipe line from Moonstone Books.

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Claudio Sanchez at c2e2

Don’t miss your chance to meet Coheed & Cambria front man and THE AMORY WARS creator Claudio Sanchez when he invades C2E2! Join Claudio and co-conspirators Chondra Echert (KILL AUDIO), Aaron Kuder (THE AMORY WARS: IN KEEPING SECRETS OF SILENT EARTH: 3) and Tony Moore (THE AMORY WARS: THE SECOND STAGE TURBINE BLADE, THE WALKING DEAD – Friday only) as they sign at Sanchez’s Evil Ink Comics booth #613, Friday, March 18, 2011 at 5PM and Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 3PM. Also be sure to pick up THE AMORY WARS: IN KEEPING SECRETS OF SILENT EARTH: 3 #9 C2E2 Exclusive Variant (limited to 300 copies) and THE AMORY WARS: THE SECOND STAGE TURBINE BLADE limited edition print by THE WALKING DEAD artist Tony Moore!

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Jennifer Blood #2 – Review

It’s a Tuesday, the kids are in school and Jennifer’s back to “work” by spending the day down at the pier attached to the local yacht club. At the pier, Jennifer gets things started off by doing a little marine recon. In a few moments she has analyzed her target, Steve, a head member of a local crime family. He resides in his yacht just off the coast. Accompanying Steve on his yacht, are a handful of lightly armed men for security. Content with her intel Jennifer ponders the right type of firearms that will complement the job. Enjoy Jen’s thoughts as the 9mm debate continues. Once at home Jen and the family welcome home Allen after a hard day at work; who is just in time to meet the new neighbors, Jack and Laura. Jen does her best small talk while sizing up the new couple. By the look of things Jack could be a problem. After the family dinner and some extra “comatose coca” for the family, Jen puts the family to bed and heads off to work.

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Digital Comics: Are They Worth It?

Digital Comics are great because you can read them anywhere especially if you have a mobile device. They save space in your house and there are several services to download digital comics. The major problem with digital comics is the price point that some of the publishers establish for these books. It seems like publishers are taking advantage of what people would pay just to download a 28 page book that costs only a little more than their print counterpart. Recently, I acquired an Android Phone and I was very excited about my device because this meant that I could read some comics whenever and wherever I wanted. I downloaded the Comixology application from the Android marketplace and browsed their selection, which is amazing. 

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Bomb Queen vs Hack/Slash # 1 – Advanced Review

Bomb Queen versus Hack/Slash is a one shot, crossover issue with all girl action. The story starts with the characters of Hack/Slash already transported into New Port City. A chaotic desolated city ruled by a demon cat. The reasons these characters are here, is because their job is to kill all serial killers and all kinds of psychos. Thanks to the help of their strange, demon dog named Pooch, Cassie and Vlad are able to locate New Port city and the demon cat Ashe. Ashe tells them that serial killers are moving from his world to the Hack/Slash world because they want too. At that point Bomb Queen appears and tries to mess things up. Bomb Queen is after Ashe because she wants a power transfer that she can only get once Ashe is dead. Both of the protagonist of the crossover bicker and fight among each other, this serves as a distraction while Pooch manages to kill Ashe. The group from hack/Slash them traveled back to their world but not before Bomb Queen has a lesbian moment with Cassie.

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Kirby: Genesis #0 on Sale for $1

Kirby: Genesis For the last five months the internet has been in a buzz over this new project from Dynamite publications. Now it’s great to learn that Kirby: Genesis’ first comic, Issue #0, will be priced at the very affordable dollar mark. Kirby: Genesis #0 contains research collected by Alex Ross and Kurt Busiek on the legendary Marvel artist and character creator, Jack Kirby. The issue also includes some preview pages of the first issue of Kirby: Genesis.

Kirby: Genesis #0 will not only feature the above bonus materials but also an original story. The cover will be illustrated by Alex Ross who will also be the penciller and inker alongside Jackson Herbert. Vinicius Andrade is the colorist that will pull the rest of the artwork together. Kurt Busiek finishes this cast of vibrant characters working on this prelude to the Kirby: Genesis series as the writer.

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Artifacts #6 – Advanced Review

Finally, after five issues of setting up the story, introducing characters, emotional distress and introducing even more characters, this issue of Artifacts is jam-packed with action from start to finish. This leaves little room for the story to advance very much, but it makes enough leaps that it has kept me satisfied. In the last issue of Artifacts Sara and her allies were confronted and attacked by Cyberforce. The team had been tricked by Aphrodite IV into believing Sara and the others were going to use the thirteen artifacts to destroy the universe. Just as the confrontation was about to begin with Sara beating Aphrodite to death to find information about her daughter, the fifth issue ended leaving a lot to be desired.

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