Papercutz FCBD The Smurfs & Geronimo Stilton
GERONIMO STILTON & THE SMURFS arrives from Papercutz in comic book stores around theUnited States and Canada. Papercutz is participating as a Gold Level Member in Free Comic Book Day, bringingtwo of its most popular titles to an even larger audience with this promotion. Since launching in September 2009, GERONIMO STILTON graphic novels from Papercutz have sold over400,000 copies. This series has been a huge hit in bookstores with less of a presence in comic shops. TheGERONIMO STILTON chapter books have sold over 12 million copies for Scholastic. With GERONIMOSTILTON & THE SMURFS Papercutz looks to bring plenty of Geronimo kid fans into comics shops, schedulingauthor and illustrator appearances at Barnes and Noble stores in the San Francisco Bay area during the weekleading up to Free Comic Book Day and at “Lee’s Comics” and “Atlantis Fantasy World” in the bay area on thatday.