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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Boom! to Distribute Avatar Press Graphic Novels

BOOM! Studios announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Avatar Press to distribute their graphic novels to the book trade.  This agreement will see BOOM! distributing Avatar in the United States via BOOM!’s existing relationship with Simon & Schuster and Canadian distribution through BOOM!’s existing relationship with HarperCollinsCanada. The new BOOM! Studios/Avatar mass market partnership sees two of the top ten Direct Market publishers teaming up for a unique relationship, extending both brands into the mass market.

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c2e2 Movie Night: Boy Wonder Review

To the untrained nerd/geek, a movie
entitled, Boy Wonder sends the vibe of a superhero movie. Granted it
contains the structure reminiscent of a comic character origin (as
any character driven narrative should have). Boy Wonder isn’t so much
a comic book super hero film as it is a revenge film. 
At an early age a Sean Donovan (Caleb
Steinmeyer ) witness the murder of his mother. This in turn causes
him to lead a very antisocial life consisting of no real friends,
just a few acquaintances. Living alone with his father, Terry Donovan
(Bill Sage) the two of them keep a fragile relationship that was
built from past abuse in Terry’s heavy drinking days. Sean turns most
of his free time to academics getting him straight A’s. Though still
haunted by the loss of his mother, Sean keeps the hope of finding her
killer and one day bringing them to justice.

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Dark Horse’s Comic Book Prequel to Your Highness

Can’t get enough of the crazy, slap stick wackiness that is David Gordon Green’s medieval stoner comedy Your Highness? Good, because Dark Horse has you covered with the prequeal in which Danny McBride speaks comically bad Old English, Natalie Portman strips down to a bikini and, presumably, everyone gets high. McBride has penned a comic book so it has to be a massive gut-buster! Enjoy some of the snappy writing below–Five page preview here. If you’re interested in purchasing the book you can do so right now from Things Of Another World. The link is on the side of the preview and if you’ve got $7.19 plus shipping then you can bring this bad boy home!

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And The Next Movie Is… Invincible!

Admittedly the last
decade has really been the decade of the comic book for movies. X-Men
quadrilogy, Spider-Man trilogy, the last two Blade movies, the two
Fantastic Four Movies, Christopher Nolan’s re imagining of Batman,
just to name a few. This year alone has a number of comic book movies
coming out with Green Lantern, Captain America and two franchise
reboots to mention the main ones. Whether this is just a phase or not
does not really bother me as I just enjoy them anyways. Well now I am
going to talk about which comic book character I believe should have
his own movie and that character is Robert Kirkman’s Invincible.

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Planet of the Apes Comes to Boom!

A bold new vision of the acclaimed sci-fi classic debuts this April as BOOM! Studios brings you an all-new, all-original ongoing PLANET OF THE APES comic series! Based firmly in Twentieth Century Fox’s PLANET OF THE APES franchise, this series written by award-winning sci-fi novelist Daryl Gregory (Dracula: The Company of Monsters, Pandemonium) and drawn by sensational artist Carlos Magno (Green Lantern Corps) transports you to a tumultuous time where man and ape stand at the uneasy brink of war! This April, don’t be the last to get your hands on these damn dirty apes! The PLANET OF THE APES comic series is produced under license by Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products.

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Marineman #4 – Advanced Review

Swimming at the beach is now safe! As long as you know somebody like Steve Ocean who can breath underwater! In an age where every character seems to have a dark past, Marineman is the chiselled boy scout image incarnate. Steve Ocean’s (Marineman) secret is no longer a secret. He was an oceanographer celebrity. His abilities were revealed to the world in issue two when he jumped into the ocean to rescue his friend and he was underwater for roughly an hour. Issue three was an origins story and now issue four escalates the drama.

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Fear Itself: Hits The Raft

Well it wasn’t like the world of the Thunderbolts at The Raft could ever really be called stable but now any sense of order has pretty much been thrown out the window. Marvel’s newest event, Fear Itself has hit the home of the Thunderbolts and hit them hard when one of the mysterious beings known as The Worthy shows up to wreak havoc. With talks that one team may just not be enough as one of the members goes out of control and unleashes the wrath of the God of Fear upon the team. With the heroes of the Marvel Universe already tied up with everything else going on what is going to happen now that some of the villains are escaping The Raft and going back out onto the streets?

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