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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Incorruptible #16 – Review

Incorruptible # 16 comes out this week, continuing Mark Waid’s excellent line of BOOM! books. The last time we saw our hero Max Damage, his life was a mess. Alana Patel, his new ally and The Plutonian’s ex-girlfriend, has been making secret deals with a shady billionaire behind Max’s back. Max is having less impact on cleaning up Coal Ville than he’d hoped and worst of all, when THE PARADIGM — the earth’s self-appointed superhero police force tried to recruit Max, his insane sidekick,Headcase,went around the bend and MURDERED ONE OF THEM IN COLD BLOOD!

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Britney Spears in Fame

Fame, a companion series to Bluewater Productions “Female Force” and “Political Power”, portrays the memorable moments in the lives of popular stars. The series has previously featured Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and the hit TV-show “Glee.” Now Bluewater will be coming out with another issue of Fame entitled “Fame: Britney Spears.” Yes, the pop-idol Britney Spears will be in her own comic with some of her greatest and worst moments revealed in 32 pages worth of panels. This one-shot comic will be based on Britney’s rise to stardom in the 90s’ followed by the numerous mishaps in her life and her return to her pop-goddess stature among fans. The issue will be going far back to Britney’s Mickey Mouse Club days. It will be written by McCray and the art will be handled by Ricardo Jaime.

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Shipping In June – Zenescope

Well I hope you like variant covers because Zenescope is coming out with a ton of them for FLY! Although I’m a bit iffy on the premise of the book the covers are awesome! Hopefully the team knocks it out of the park. Besides that its the usual Grimm Fairy Tales, Myths & Legends and Neverland all cranked to 100 for sexiness! I am looking forward to Brimstone as that seems a bit different from their usual stories, but we’ll have to wait and see. Check out the entire listing below. Written by Joe Brusha, Neo Edmund, Barbara Randall Kesel, Paul Kupperberg, Aaron Rosenberg and Darren Vincenzo Grizzly Bears, giant Salt Water Crocodiles, rogue Lions… we don’t occupy a place on their list of usual prey items and rarely do we cross paths with these deadly predators. Still, on occasion, the most dangerous animals in the wild set their sights on humans and when they do the results can be devastating. This first book in Silver Dragon Books Animal Planet series looks at these terrifying encounters and illustrates what happens when humans interact with the Worlds Most Dangerous Animals.

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The Traveler # 5 – Review

Stan Lee, Mark Waid and Chris Hardin return with an all new storyline for The Traveler that picks up after the big reveal in the last issue. After some men dressed in hazmat suits clear the area of the accident, they warn the police detectives of the “ghost” that they’ve seen in the area. The “ghost” is of course Ron aka Kronas. He over hears his fiancée Julia’s ex-partner talk about one of Ron’s friends, which gives him an idea to visit him. He pops in on Nate (the friend) who is looking rather sad, obviously due to the fact that he thinks his friend is dead. Ron and Nate begin going over the facts as Nate is able to quickly accept Ron being alive.

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Dark Horse Auctions Original Art For Tsunami Relief

I sat on this story waiting to see how the bidding would go since their doing the auction via ebay, and I’m glad I did. Currently the original art from Dark Horse and artist Duncan Fegredo is sitting at $1,125 bucks! That’s a lot of money for a good cause. If you’re interested or at least want to see what it ends up selling for you will need to stop by Dark Horses eBay page to check it out. In an effort to aid the American Red Cross’s tsunami and earthquake relief effort in Japan, Dark Horse Comics is auctioning an amazing signed lot of limited-edition artwork and books for fans eager to donate and support a greater cause.

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AEIOU or Any Easy Intimacy – Review

Any Easy Intimacy is an original graphic novel from Jeffrey Brown that opens a window to a relationship in his life. It goes through Jeff’s entire relationship with Sophia. The two meet in college via a friend of friends deal and soon begin hanging out with each other more and more. It gradually becomes a sexual relationship that rockets the two into a sense of intimacy as they talk and open up about each other. The thing I loved about it was that it’s very real and relatable to anyone that’s been young, dumb and in love. It hits every peak and valley of relationships so eloquently and yet subtly that it’s a true work of art. But that’s where to story hooks you in is that you will remember similar events in your own life, experiences that are practically the same. 

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R.P.M. #4 – Review

It’s here! R.P.M. #4 is the last part of this action-packed story written by Shane Riches and legendary wrestler and The New York Times bestselling author Mick Foley. In the previous issue, Paul went out on a rescue mission to save Mackenzie from Dominic. He also discovered who was behind all of Paul and Mackenzie’s surveillance and who was responsible for having Dominic switch sides on his mission. His name is Malumbo, an Angolan diplomat who is trying to retrieve the synthized diamond so he can blackmail Trent into giving him his company and also keep all the mines of Angola all to himself. Paul successfully rescues Mackenzie, but it’s revealed that Malumbo has another card to play in his devious plot. It so happens that Malumbo has kidnapped Paul’s father as well, and in return for his father Malumbo wants Paul to trade Mackenzie for her and the diamond that he is supposed to deliver in Miami. Paul rejects this offer and is helped in his escape and now he is on a mission to not only finish his contracted job, but also save his father.

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