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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Wonder Con – Boom! Studios Panel

The panel opened up with talking about Hellraiser selling out in 2-1/2 days at the distributor level. Matt the EIC knows Clive from his time at working in a comic shop. Clive used to be a customer and is pretty normal. Clive is a true blue comic fan and knows his Kirby, Silver Age and even modern comics. Talking about the prelude which you can still download it on our site here! They discuss their market research that a lot of people don’t know that comics come out every Wednesday. Talking to their retail partners they said the free prelude was one of the things that drove new readers to the shops. Hellraiser is the first on-going mature reader’s book.

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Wonder Con – Archaia Press Presents: 2011 and Beyond

Archaia’s panel consisted of four big announcements of new titles the first being their partnership with Relativity on an anthology for their new movie The Immortals. They talked a little about the film that’s being produced by the same team that produced 300. The movie stars Mickey Rourke, Henry Cavill from the upcoming Superman re-launch and Kellan Lutz from Twilight. After talking about the movie they went into their partnership more and what the goal for the anthology was.

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You Missed That Issue? Crossed: Family Values #6

the series spotlighting some of the best single issues in comics from
the past decade. You will not find Watchmen, Sin City, Dark Phoenix
Saga or Action Comics #775 anywhere on this list. These are comics
that, with a little effort, you’ll find on the Internet or lost in
the back issues of your comic book store. Because this article is not
a review, and since these issues are not necessarily new, any
surprise, cliffhanger or death
be spoiled

in an attempt to show why the book shouldn’t have been missed.

is a creator-owned series from writer Garth Ennis and artist Jacen
Burrows. It all started with
#0 on August 27, 2008 and all 10 issues have been released.
The second series Crossed:
Family Values
is written by David Lapham and drawn by Javier

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Pick This Book Up – Green Wake #1

In “Pick This Book Up” I will be spotlighting a book I will be picking up next week and why I’ve decided to spend the price of more than a gallon of gas on it.  Green Wake is my choice for next week and will hopefully not disappoint with promises of grisly murder in mind.

Horror is definitely a genre that has been twisted in every direction and has often found itself screaming when monotonous ideas are used over and over again and there is no more creativity: just pointlessly overused blood to garner the reader’s attention away from the lackluster story. A good murder mystery is hard to find with so many others out there and hopefully Green Wake from Image publishers will prove to be a great one.

The premise is simple: in Green Wake there have been numerous grisly murders. Our protagonist Morley Mack is perusing a woman known as Ariel that is the prime suspect in the murders. As Morley begins to discover the truth he also finds the case has a connection to his past…

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All 80 Covers of Godzilla Sells Out!

IDW Publishing is pleased to announce that GODZILLA®: KINGDOM OF MONSTERS #1 has sold out just a day after making its debut at comic book retail stores throughout North America. Written by Eric Powell and Tracy Marsh, with artwork by Phil Hester, the rapid sell-out marks a fantastically successful return for the giant fire-breathing lizard to comics. To meet the continued demand and ensure fans everywhere have access to the comic, GODZILLA®: KINGDOM OF MONSTERS #1 will be stomping its way back into stores in a ground-shaking second printing.

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Oni Press to Have ‘The Darkest Hour’ Posters at Wondercon

So the poster sounds pretty cool, but I’m way more interested in this movie! Either way stop by the Oni Press booth for the poster (you know you love free stuff!) and look for the art book later on that’s also going to be from Oni. Summit Entertainment, New Regency & Oni Press will unveil a special collectible poster at WonderCon 2011 from the upcoming art book for THE DARKEST HOUR, a new film about five young people who find themselves stranded in Moscow, fighting to survive in the wake of a devastating alien attack.   The 3D action-thriller highlights the classic beauty of Moscow alongside mind-blowing special effects from the minds of visionary filmmaker Timur Bekmambetov (WANTED, NIGHT WATCH) and director Chris Gorak.   

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Go Back To Your Comic Shop For Armory Wars

Claudio Sanchez and THE AMORY WARS fans prepare for a release of gigantic proportions as today, Wednesday, March 30, 2011, three fantastic titles take you back to Heaven’s Fence with THE AMORY WARS: IN KEEPING SECRETS OF SILENT EARTH: 3 #1 $1 EDITION, THE AMORY WARS: IN KEEPING SECRETS OF SILENT EARTH: 3 Vol. 2 and THE AMORY WARS: IN KEEPING SECRETS OF SILENT EARTH: 3 #9. Start, catch up and continue the epic sci-fi saga written by musical mastermind Claudio Sanchez with comics legend Peter David , and featuring sensational art by BATMAN & ROBIN’s Chris Burnham, Kyle Strahm and Aaron Kuder!

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