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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Preview Time – Aspen’s Charismagic #1

Sometimes a few books come out that share a similar theme, we’re all familar with this concept from the movies (Deep Impact and Aremagedon and my personal favorite occurance). But with comic books its more interesting than sharing a common theme since the art and storytelling can be so very different between books. Today we have a preview of Aspen’s Charismagic that releases this week. The theme is the return of magic which is one we’ve covered with books like Lucid and Magusbut Charismagic takes a very different approach. You can look for our review soon, but in the mean time here’s the preview and the description from Aspen.

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Caligula #1 – Review

Upon retuning home from selling his family’s olive oil, Junius discovers the remains of his loved ones. All of which have been violated and slaughtered. Before dying, the family’s slave, Ibraham tells Junius the name of the man responsible for this heinous act. That man’s name is Caligula. Confused, distraught and filled with hate Juniu’s thoughts turn to his deceased father who was a Centurion. A proud man that would take revenge without a moments haste. But Junius was no solider, he was a boy, a mere farmer.

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Madman All-New Giant-Size Super Ginchy Special One Shot Review

Ready for an insane adventure with Madman? I’m not and after reading this I never want to be. All four tales spun in this giant-sized issue definitely give you more pages (and it costs more for them too) but none have very interesting stories. They often lead to nowhere and seem to have no point, and the constantly changing art has its moments, but they are fleeting and not memorable enough for even an honorable mention. Only fans of the characters or of the beat generation may enjoy this Ginchy special.

The first story in this special one-shot is titled “If I Should Live to See the Day I Die!” Madman is talking to Cadaver and precedes to fall down a seemingly endless hole having enough time to write a novel twice in his head and listen to Pink Floyd. Sound crazy? It is called “Madman” after all…

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2K and Top Cow Team Up For Darkness II Confessions FCBD Issue

2K Games, Top Cow Productions, Inc., and the Free Comic Book Day Committee announced today that they have teamed up to produce The Darkness II: Confession, an exclusive comic tie-in for The Darkness II video game, for Free Comic Book Day. The 32-page, full-color comic will be a prequel to 2K Games’ upcoming video game,The Darkness II. Produced by Top Cow’s lead artists and writers in partnership with 2K Games, The Darkness II: Confession will be distributed by Diamond Comic Distributors to thousands of independent comic book stores worldwide on May 7, 2011.

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Cyber Mondays: The Dark Tower

This week on cyber Mondays, The Dark Tower. Stephen King’s masterpiece series, hit the digital market the last two weeks and… Oh boy! This series is ten times of awesome. First of all, the series was a smash hit when it came out in single issue form and is easy to say that this book was made for comics . Now the series is on the comixology app and is obvious that this comic was made for the digital medium.

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Wonder Con – Oni Press Interactive Panel

The panel begun with Cory, the Marketing Director for Oni Press announcing the following, “Panels are boring and Oni Press Panels are not boring so raise your hand at any time to ask a question or make a comment.” This was like no other panel I’ve been too and was very fun because of that. I’m going to keep the recap pretty loose and leave it the way that it played out so that you can get a better feel for it. The panel consists of Rapper Adam WarRock, Tyler Crook and Brian Hurtt. They talk with Adam about the mixtape, while playing the mixed tap. The tape is nerdcore rap and is all about Oni Presses books including KO Super Pro, The Sixth Gun, Salt Water Taffy and Hopeless Savages.

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Wonder Con – IDW Godzilla

Large amount of Godzilla fans in the audience. I can tell because there’s several Godzilla shirts and fans holding the Wondercon exclusive cover (which I’ll be getting).They begin by showing a list of the Monsters that IDW has from the Godzilla universe which are: Anguirus, Battra, Destoroyah, Gigan, Hedorah, King Ghidorah, Kumonga, Mechagodzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Space Godzilla, Titanosaurous. Godzilla Kingdom of Monster is the flagship ongoing series which had a 70,000 print run and sold out in one day and was easily their fastest and largest print run. Phil Hester is doing the artwork for the first four issues which is a big deal since he rarely does pencil’s anymore. They had a reoccurring theme of asking people if they had time and everyone said no due to scheduling until they found out it was Godzilla.

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