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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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I Thought You Would Be Funnier Nominated

Today Boom! announced that it’s Boom Town imprint I Thought You Would Be Funnier has been nominated for an Eisner Award in the best humor publication section. What’s it up against? I have no idea, but this is an incredible feat for both Shannon and Boom. It gives a true validation to the Boom Town imprint. Sadly I haven’t finsihed reading this book yet, but I will tell you that so far I am really enjoying it and when the second print rolls around you should definitely get it. Included are some provided preview pages. BOOM! Studios is proud to announce that BOOM! Town’s debut publication I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE FUNNIER is nominated for a Best Humor Publication Eisner Award! 

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My Top Ten Comic Books

Lists, what’s to say…I hate them.
They’re pretty much stupid and unless and do nothing for me. But for some reason people
want to share, brag or find some sort of relevance and acceptance
from others. So with out further ado here are some comics, in no
significant order, that are not so munch my favorites but just really
awesome books. Enjoy and you’ll probably hate all of them.

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Wonder Con Review – Hey Derby Girl #1 & 2

Another book I picked up was the first two issues of Hey Derby Girl by Jeanne Beacom and Elle Skinner. Both issues are pretty short totaling around 15 actual pages of story each. The book follows Sweet Liberty, the newest member of the derby team the Gold City Wild Banditas. The first issue is really used to explain the rules of Roller Derby and establish Liberty as the newest member of the team. It’s her first night out and she’s nervous as hell which really comes across in the storytelling and art.

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Layman Vs Kirkman and Zombie Neil

Not so long ago in a undisclosed super secret location somewhere in puerto Rico Mr. Neil Rodriguez and me Mr. J.Blas, sat down in a super secret Player Affinity, think tank to talk some shop talk about two popular Image titles: Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead and John Layman’s Chew. This is the transcript of their meeting.

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Starborn #5 – Review

Admittedly I have not kept up with Starborn as it just didn’t grab me as much as Soldier Zero or The Traveler did and this issue confirmed that it’s still the weak link in the chain. The other two series basically used the first four issues to explain the rules and get the characters up and running for ongoing story. With the Traveler it started with a character that knew all the rules and then in a way reset that character so that he had to figure it all out again, but the reader was left in anticipation for the day he’d regain all of his knowledge and become the character he’s destined to be.

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Wonder Con Review – Trigger Men: Chapters 1 & 2

One of my favorite things about cons is walking around and picking up independently published comics and giving them a chance. Well Wonder Con was no exception and I picked up several books that were pretty good. I don’t tend to ignore the sales pitch and just pick up random books which usually confuses the creator/seller as they think I know something about the story and that’s why I’m getting the book; but really I’m just treating it as if it were a new title arriving in my comic shop. I look at it a little and then make a decision on if I should buy it or not.

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IDW Also Bringing TMNT Back!

Last week at Wonder Con, IDW Publishing announced that they were doing a new series for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This is in conjunction with the new CG show announced by Nickelodeon earlier last week, so it looks like we’re getting a lot of NEW TMNT in the future. IDW didn’t release any art of the series, but did say it would be out in the summer. More than 25 years after its first comic book, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles return to their roots with IDW Publishing. Today at WonderCon in San Francisco, IDW and Nickelodeon announced a long-term agreement to offer an all-new installment of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and graphic novels. Starting this summer, IDW’s comic series will bring the “Heroes in a Half Shell” back into action. IDW’s new comics are part of a larger initiative to bring Turtles to a new generation of fans, starting with these new storylines from the original series. Additionally, in fourth quarter 2012, Nickelodeon will premiere a new CG-animated version of the wildly popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

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