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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Jeff Lemire Draws Jonah Hex

Jeff Lemire, writer and artist of the popular Vertigo title Sweet Tooth, will be taking the reins of the artist in Jonah Hex #69. The series will continue to be written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray. Lemire will only be drawing this one issue of Jonah Hex, a series renowned for having complete stories unravel in one issue – increasing the risk of the story feeling rushed but completely eliminating the usual complicated story arc feature found in just about every comic out there. And as seen in previous issues of Jonah this tactic is well employed month-to-month with news artists. But how will Lemire fare after the artistic style of Fiona Staples in Jonah Hex #66?

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’68 #1 – Advanced Review

Welcome to 1968 and welcome to hell. In US Firebase Aries Central Highland, Vietnam. A Chinese-American by the name of Kuen (Sweet-Potato) Yam and a small platoon of solders are sent to investigate a series of attacks from a Vietnamese mortar pit. Before they head out, the base it attacked by a VC sniper, the same sniper that Corporal Love killed earlier. As Love takes aim he is shocked to see the same VC he killed is the one doing the shooting. Now half a klik from base camp Aries, Yam and his platoon are in the midst of taking out the enemy mortar team. After the carnage they discover a fox hole and due to his size, Yam volunteers to clear it out.

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My Top Ten Comic Books

When my editor told me “you got to pick your top ten books”  I said to him no way I’m not choosing between my children. Then he said dude– your top ten comic books… And I reply: oh… Oh.. Books…In that case then… Ill do it. But the truth is, is not easy, I have been reading comics for twenty years, that is a lot of funny pages right there. Besides if I  go into a top ten, Alan Moore’s books alone could fill that list but for the sake of variety I will only put a few of then. Now the task of a filling a top ten out so many books might leave some books that I love out of the list but a list of ten is so limited. But I guess I have to do it.

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Preview Time – Savage Beauty #2

I really enjoyed the first issue of Savage Beauty and as such I’m looking forward to the second issue. You can check out the first four pages minus the dialog of the issue right here so enjoy. An updating of the Jungle Girl genre tale, SAVAGE BEAUTY uses two very strong female leads to not only introduce pulp like heroics into the jungles of today’s world, but also tackles real life issues.   The comic is a tool of vital partnership between its creators and agencies and organizations dedicated to making life better and even saving lives in Kenya, Africa, and other ravaged lands.

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Preview Time – Hellboy: Buster Oakley Gets His Wish

Oh look at that it’s our first Dark Horse preview! Check out the first six pages of Hellboy: Buster Oakley Gets His Wish from DH. This one-shot will be out this week in your local comic shop. Here’s what the books about: Sucked into a giant spacecraft full of mutated livestock, Hellboy must fight his way through giant robots, strange webbing, and evil aliens to get back to terra firma! If you like Hellboy, which you should, then check it out and see if this one-shot is for you. You can also check out Dark Horse’s blog to see the making of the cover here.

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Preview Time – Carbon Grey #2

Coming out this week from Image Comics is Carbon Grey #2, if you recall this was the book we reviewed that had stunning, neigh… amazing art. Unfortunately it had little in the way of a coherant story and as such scored pretty average. But here we are with the second issue and a second chance for the book to impress. So check out the first five pages and see if its a title you want to pick up this week.

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Eisner Awards 2011 – The Nominations Are In

Every industry has it’s awards show. Some of them have real meaning to the award like the Oscars and Tony’s, whereas others are basically there to spotlight the newest games coming out like the Spike VGA’s. With comics these awards falling into first category of being very serious. To be nominated for an Eisner is an honor and to win is even better since Will Eisner was a very respected member of the comic industry. Each year the awards are given out at Comic Con in San Diego where they are always forgotten due to the obscene amount of Movie and TV news that’s released. Well today you can get a look at the nominations and I will say sorry there aren’t more pictures. You’ll find some links to things we have covered or talked about to for those unfamiliar with the titles and head to the forums to see my picks in the categories. Without further ado here’s this years Eisner Award nominations!

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