Hey, remember the CrossGen martial arts
series Way of the Rat?
Sure you do, well it might finally make it to the big screen.
The wuxia-influenced comic book series, which was written by
Chuck Dixon, lasted for 24 issues before publication was halted when
CrossGen went bankrupt.
Way of the Rat was an ongoing
series by writer Chuck Dixon and artists Jeff Johnson and Tom Ryder
that followed a thief named Boon Sai Hong who runs across more than
he bargained for by stealing two objects with magical properties.
Along the way he gains a talking monkey named Pop Po as an advisor
and the criminal element of the Asian-based world out to get him.
This one for all you Alpha Flight lover out there. Here is a sneak peak at the new Alpha Flight team variant cover. It looks great but all I care about is Sasquatch and he is in the team. Enough said. Marvel is pleased to present your first look at artist Dale Eaglesham’s variant cover to ALPHA FLIGHT #1 (of 8), featuring the return of Canada’s greatest heroes! As the shadow of Fear Itself falls across the globe, will a nation turn to – or turn on – Alpha Flight in their greatest hour of need?
We here in Player Affinity we usually do not do toy news, but I can’t pass up anything on Iron man. The Mark 2 exkoskeleton looks great. But 209.00 dollars is a steep price. Oh well I can always look at the nice pictures. Sideshow Collectibles and Hot Toys have teamed up yet again to produce the 12-inch Iron Man Mark II – Armor Unleashed figure, straight from the “Iron Man 2” movie!
VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the
entertainment industry’s most innovative and comprehensive publishing,
animation and licensing companies, continues the digital integration of its
vast library of manga (graphic novel) properties with the latest announcement
of the availability of the VIZ MANGA APP for the Apple iPhone™ and iPod Touch™
mobile devices. The expansion will be compatible with the VIZ MANGA APP on the
iPad, and adds cross-platform features.
To support the
launch, the publisher has also kicked off a special 7-day digital promotion
that offers select Volume 1 titles for only $2.99 – 40% off the regular price!
This is for a limited time only and runs until midnight PST May 9th.
Okay Constantine and Swamp Thing fans here some news that might get your blood going. Swamp Thing and Constantine back in the DCuniverse . It’s going to fun!
Jonathan Vankin has revealed some of the first plot details about his upcoming DC Comics miniseries, which sees the reintroduction of Vertigo characters Swamp Thing and John Constantine back into the main DC Universe. It was announced earlier this month that the conclusion to Brightest Day would see the two characters rejoin the DC Universe, leading into a three-issue miniseries called Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing.
Looks like that Avengers movie that the
kids are all crazy about has hit a snafu. The reason? Sam L.
Jackson’s copy of the script was burgled from his home. So now the
upstanding individual the are involved with the theft are selling in
to the highest bidder. Word is the leaked pages are being rewritten.
Over the weekend, Obsessed With Film was sent an email from an anonymous source claiming to have come into possession of a 08/04/2011 shooting draft script titled “Group Hug”. This is well known to be the secret production title of The Avengers,
Marvel/Disney’s ensemble superhero movie that began filming on Easter
Monday. The e-mail claimed the 129 page script bore the Marvel Studios
letterhead and all the pages were watermarked with the name of the actor
who the leaked script belongs too.