Cyber Monday: The First Week of May
Hello and welcome to another edition of Cyber Monday. The last couple of weeks the digital world has grown, with new apps and all around sales that keep fans wanting for more. Last week the entirety of DC comics’ 52 and Infinite Crisis crossovers were put on sale with every issue going for ninety-nine cents. Boom studios, Incorruptible was put on sale, giving fans a chance get the first fifteen issues for only ninety-nine cents as well. As always, Marvel has their 99 cent Monday sale. Image comics and Dark Horse have bundles or digital trades, going for four ninety-nine to nine ninety-nine. It is clear that the digital market is big. Could this replace printed comics? The digital market has no way to make these comics into collectibles. But its a great way to catch up on every comic you’ve wanted to read. This week we spotlight a couple of books that have been digitized for your consideration.