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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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FCBD: Baltimore / Criminal Macabre Review

It was Saturday May seventh or siete de Mayo to some. You are heading towards your favorite comic book store. There you see a big line of people. You see the people as a motley crew of different credo. Some you recognized and some you never seen before. Seems the world knows something you don’t. Is there a big name creator visiting your store? No there is no booth. Then you see that everybody has different comics in their hands and that is when it hits you, you missed free comic book day!

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DC To Publish Only One Comic At The End Of August

I think that this is a clever idea from DC in terms of creativity and bringing something different to comics
terms of business, and making money it is probably not the soundest
because selling just one book vs Marvel who is just pumping out as many
books as they can in a month might be bad, but I applaud DC for trying something
new and giving their book the a
ttention it deserves.

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Moriarty: The Dark Chamber #1 – Review

London town has always been the perfect setting for a good detective story and this spin-off from Sherlock Holmes into the world of his arch-nemesis Moriarty is an interesting one that leaves something to be desired, but still makes me want to continue reading. It is the early eighteenth century in London and Sherlock Holmes’ archenemy Moriarty has lost his motivation to rule the underworld after Holmes’ death. His fall from power has given rise to another dark organization The Black Hand, which has recently killed Arch Duke Ferdinand.  Moriarty’s services as a detective are soon requested and he is brought back into the action when the English Secret Service asks him to find Sherlock Holmes’ brother.

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Talking About The Damn Dirty Apes with Daryl Gregory

Planet of the Apes has always been a long enduring Sci-Fi franchise and this year the Apes are back in a big way. First in the sell out first issue of Planet of the Apes from Boom! Studios and then in the late August release of Rise of the Planet of the Apes. We had the chance to pick the brain of Apes writer Darryl Gregory about the comic half of the Apes return to popularity so sit back and enjoy!

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Approaching the Iron Age

I found this news article from the Marvel web site and I could not wait
to post this one to Player Affinity. What would you say of Iron Man
traveling through time to try and save the earth from one of the Marvel
Universe most dangerous characters in Dark Phoenix.    I say heck yeah!
Bring it.  This article Rob Williams talks about his idea. I for one
will get this book.  Iron Man baby!

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Comic Book Movie Night: Talent

TV scribe Zack Whedon has been brought on to adapt the graphic novel “Talent” for Universal. Marc Platt is onboard to produce via his Marc Platt Prods. along with Ross Richie and Andrew Cosby.

The story follows a professor who, after surviving a plane crash,
finds he has inherited the abilities of the passengers who have died. A
secret group hunts him down when he begins to use those abilities. Talent is
a miniseries/graphic novel written by Christopher Golden and novelist
Tom Sniegoski, illustrated by Paul Azaceta, and published by BOOM!

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Adventure Comics #526′s FLASHPOINT Pages?! Geoff Johns Creates Flash Red

I read this news article and I thought.  Does this really work? Does the Flash need another color of Flash?  I am sure that Geoff Johns will try and make this concept work, but for me it doesn’t seem like a really good idea.  This may have worked great in Green Lantern since there powers are based of emotions, but Flash power is not based on will or emotions, there just a really cool power that he inherited.  Lets see if Johns can capture ligthing in a bottle again with this idea.   Below are some pages that elude to what might be a different color of Flash.

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