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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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The Adventures of Calvin and Hobbes Continues

This is possible one of the greatest tributes to Calvin and Hobbes ever. It’s a simple web comic that continues from the last panel of Calvin and Hobbes to 26 years later with Calvin’s daughter Bacon. It’s a great homage that doesn’t attempt to cash in on the brand, but rather continue a very special story that holds a lot of meanings to fans all over the world. It’s some great stuff and I’d like to thank Pants Are Overratted for sharing it with everyone. If you’d like to read it I encourage you to head over to their site to read it.

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Shield Test Turns Into A Bomb Test

You know you’re viral marketing is getting a little too realistic when it’s mistaken for a bomb, either that or some idiot needs to actually pay attention and read! That was the case over the weekend as an Acura press kit for the new Thor film was discovered in a bus terminal in Michigan and the bomb squad was called in. You can see from the pictures… it’s not a bomb and the bomb squad probably had a really good laugh as they got to pour water into different jars and read Nick Fury’s secret message testing them as a Sheild agent. The sad part this is the best marketing the movie’s received.

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IDW Looking for New Senior Editor

Last year at Comic Con I actually had the chance to attend a panel Andy Schmidt hosted about writing for comics and he was well versed in not only writing but editing comics; so it comes as a bit of a surprise that he’s been swooped up by Hasbro and sent to their Rhode Island branch. It’s unclear what he’ll be doing for Hasbro who has a working relationship with IDW, just that IDW needs a new Senior Publisher that’s familar with licensed products and several years of experience. Hopefully this move doesn’t act as a major set back for IDW or strain their relationship on such Hasbro titles as G.I. Joe and Transformers, but only time will tell.

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Liberty Meadows Is Coming Back!

That’s right one of the greatest comic strips turned comic will be returning this fall with issue #38 according to Mr. Cho himself. It seems that the rights were tied up in development with Sony and due to inactivity reverted back to him. On Cho’s site he says that there could still be a movie or TV Show, but the important thing right now is that Liberty Meadows is returning to comics and personally that’s all I care about. He didn’t say which publisher, but more than likely it’ll return to Image.

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Play Gotham: Impostors – Read Batman: Impostors

In Gotham Imposters, Teams of players square off as either Batman or
Joker impostors, creating their own customized takes on the characters’ iconic costumes
and doing battle in the streets of Gotham City. Pretty awesome, but if
you’ve read you have already read Detective Comics 867 through 870. The
four-issue story Batman: Impostors features a plot inspired by an early concept for the upcoming game.

Written by David Hine with art by the fantastic Scott McDaniel, Batman: Impostors
opens with a Jokerz flash mob descending upon an upscale shopping mall.
There’s a new highly-addictive drug on the streets that gives users a
rictus grin and the urge to create mayhem. It’s a variant of the Joker’s
deadly laughing gas, only without the active killing ingredient.

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Cyber Monday: Lone Wolf And Cub

happens, you know? Great titles get crappy treatments. Especially when you’ve
collected into trade paperbacks. It might be that you’re reading your
favorite book, your finger holds the page for too long and the art gets
smudged. It might be that after you read an awesome book, the book bends
and stays in a swirl-like form forever. It’s possible that you are
enjoying a book that has over five hundred pages and as you turn the
pages a couple of them fall from the book. Yeah it’s bad and horrible
when it happens to your favorite comics.

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Preview Time – Last Mortal

We actually have an advanced review of this book up already, so I’ll let Kevin’s review do most of the talking. Two-time loser and petty thief, racked with the death of his only friend Brian; Alec contemplates suicide in an abandoned warehouse along the pier in Philadelphia. He reflects in his loss as tears run down his face and a pistol tightens in his hand. As his thoughts race back to yesterday, he puts the gun under his chin and pulls the trigger.

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