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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features


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Preview Time – Soldier Zero #8

Well look at that… we have a review for this up already too! Once again enjoy the preview and I’ll let the review do the talking! The last issue of Soldier Zero is a hard act to follow, but #8 does a good job of keeping up the action and building Stewart as a main character while also dumping a few members of his supporting cast. Stewart has an earth shattering secret revealed to him by the suits former host in the last issue and now he must fight to maintain control of the suit or lose himself to it forever. That and he must find a way to escape the government holding facility. 

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Preview Time – Courtney Crumrin Tales vol 2

It’s preview time! Since we already have a review up I figured I’ll let the reveiw do it’s job and tell you about the book, but here’s a sample of what to expect. The story of the Gentlemen Warlock continues in the second volume of Courtney Crumrin Tales and although reading the first volume enhances the story, you’ll find that it’s not required to enjoy the second volume. The tale begins with Alice and Aloysius pretending to be engaged while at Lady Emma’s latest party. They’re there on a Society visit and it’s soon revealed that Emma is actually sucking the life/beauty out of young women by bathing in their blood. Emma makes quick work of Lady Emma, who turns out to be Aloysius’ aunt, but the two allow Fred to take credit for the Society.

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Ultimate Comics Universe Reborn

Prepare for Ultimate Comics Universe Reborn, signaling the biggest
changes to ever hit the Ultimate Comics Universe! With all new titles
and all new creative teams, fans new and old can’t miss out on this
great entry point into the Ultimate Comics Universe. This August,
following the traumatic events of Death of Spider-Man, Ultimate Comics
Universe Reborn kicks off in August with ULTIMATE COMICS ULTIMATES #1
and ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN #1 in September – each featuring covers
by superstar artist Kaare Andrews!

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Moriarty #1 From Image Comics Sells Out

I am so glad that this book sold out.  I read this comic duing the
weekend and I was quite suprised by it.  If you want to check out the
review see Nicole’s review of Moriarty  in our site.   Hope fully the second issue is just as good as the first.

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Character Affinity: Beta Ray Bill

In my time reading comics there have been very few characters in the Marvel Universe that can go toe to toe against the God of Thunder and defeat him. And there have been even fewer characters in the universe that have been deemed worthy of wielding Thor’s mighty hammer Mjolnir.  What would you say if I can find one character in particular that has beaten Thor in a fight and he has also been deemed worthy of holding Mjolnir. You might say “that’s crazy” but actually there has been someone who has done it and that hero’s name is Beta Ray Bill,

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Age of X: Chapters 5 & 6 and Aftermath – Review

It’s been a few weeks since this cross-over finished so I thought we’d take a final look at Age of X and what it did for the X-Men franchise as a whole. Chapter 5 is the big reveal, but not the big finisher. We learn that not only is it Legion behind everything it’s actually a part of his mind that’s eaten the rest of his psyche and taken the shape of the deceased Moira. Xavier is freed and he begins the big reveal by reaching out to every ones minds. This comes in time for the morning attack which divides the mutants as they want to know what’s really going on.

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Pink Power 1 & 2 – Review

Pink Power was another series that I picked up at Long Beach Comic Expo several weeks back and finally got a chance to talk about it. The book is very interesting and I loved the concepts behind everything they did even though there were way too many characters introduced in the first issue alone. The story begins with the super-hero Pink Princess on the way to the mega super store Best Mart which is basically a hybrid of Best Buy and Walmart. She finds some pink underwear lying about the store (we all know that to be true of Walmart) and decides to try them on… funny and gross. The underwear turn out to be cosmic underwear that give her even more power to her already massive power set.

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