Comic Uno’s Like Father, Like Daughter #2 Kickstarter Launches
September 5th was the launch date for the
Like Father, Like Daughter #2 Kickstarter. The Kickstarter's goal is to reach $4,500 before October 11th.

Short Fuse Media Group and Kathryn Calamia had a successful Kickstarter for
Like Father, Like Daughter #2 with 100 backers and over $6,000 raised, exceeding the original $5,000 goal.
Like Father, Like Daughter is about a sixteen-year old girl named Casey Ryder. She is your average high school student, except for the fact that her father left her to become a full-time superhero. He is the only superhero in the world so everyone loves him, except for her. In issue 1 Casey inherits her father's powers so she literally becomes her own worst enemy.
Issue 2 will explore more about Casey's powers and will introduce a very important character: Wes, the superhero-walking dictionary.
Click here to check out the comic's Kickstarter page!

There are some great gifts that Short Fuse Media will mail to you if you back the project and if the project reaches it's goal! This includes
Like Father, Like Daughter #2 t-shirts, action figures, and even a chance to be written into the
Like Father, Like Daughter universe. Back the project and make
Like Father, Like Daughter #2 a reality.