Crossed Badlands #25 – Review: A Cross To Bear
Garth Ennis returns to the infamous series. Can he revitalize Crossed Badlands? Is the series salvageable? Read on to find out more!
Garth Ennis returns to the infamous series. Can he revitalize Crossed Badlands? Is the series salvageable? Read on to find out more!
Batman mourns the death of his son. Harper Row sees that something is troubling Batman, but she does not know exactly what is bothering him.
The Young Avengers face trouble — from their parents! Are Marvel’s teen superheroes grounded for life?
The Phantom Stranger puts on his poker face as he battles for his family! The Sons of Trigon stand in his way! Also – Terrence Thirteen connives with a unknown third party! Read on to find out more!
Evil Ernie continues his attack on a maximum security prison. Unfortunately, this issue continues the series downward spiral, hitting an all-time low.
It’s Exposition Time! And Green Lantern gets over himself when he realizes he can’t actually do it all on his own.
The Ultrons have destroyed New York City. The Avengers don’t know how to save the world and they are struggling to survive.
I think issue 10 of The Manhattan Projects is, without a doubt, the best issue of the young series. I am sure there has been an underground comic or a web comic that has mined similar ideas, but Hickman is one of the most mainstream writers to base an entire issue on a mindscape.
Jonathan Hickman apparently wants my entire comic budget to to go to him. Not only did he write the excellent Fantastic Four and FF, but now he’s writing an equally exciting Avengers and New Avengers. (And maybe still working on SHIELD?)But that’s only at Marvel. He also has the consistently awesome The Manhattan Projects, Secret, and now East of West.
Punisher makes his stand against the full force of the Avengers. All things considered, it goes pretty well.