X-Men #1 Video Review: Jubilee has the potential to be less annoying
Jubilee is being followed, but by who? Is he a threat to Jubilee and the X-Men?
Jubilee is being followed, but by who? Is he a threat to Jubilee and the X-Men?
The book drops the ball on Kaine’s deal with the Assassins Guild. Instead, it’s exploited for a cheap Wolverine sppearance.
Geoff John’s last issue for Green Lantern is here. How will he end his long run with the character?
Striped Kids! Stegosaurus rides! Metaphysical lessons! The newest installment of Jonathan Hickman’s fantastic Avengers run is here!
The Reverse-Flash returns to terrorize The Flash! Can he solve the mystery behind the Speed Force Murders before it’s too late? And who is The Reverse-Flash? Read on to find out more!
How long can you keep a pilot grounded? Will Captain Marvel fly again?
Image’s badass mini-series is here! Haunted by recurring dreams, a boy named Winslow is hunted by mysterious beings and protected by an old traveler. A little Sandman, a little of Star Wars, and just a pinch of The Matrix.
It’s time to give Suicide Squad another chance. For once, a quick creative team change works for the better.
The NBC television show Grimm has a new comic book tie-in from Dynamite comics. Find out from Kat West AKA Comic Uno if it is worth reading!
Have you been wishing for a comic with a dead guy, an angel, a talking smiley face button and Obama? Then you are very specific – and your wish has been granted with Evil Ernie #5!