The Flash #21 – Review: Flash Family Reunion
The Flash and Kid Flash are together again for the very first time! How will their first meeting go down? In history. Read on to fine out more!
The Flash and Kid Flash are together again for the very first time! How will their first meeting go down? In history. Read on to fine out more!
X-Men returns with a knock-down drag-out fight between the X-Men (X-Women?) and a possessed Karima Shapandar. So does this issue live up to expectations or is it a story possessed by the sentient bacterium of gimmickery?
Finally, the “Origin of Evil” reaches its conclusion. Was this supernatural horror title worth my time? If I could figure out what I just read I’d let you know but for now I’m going to go with NO.
Batman and Superman’s first team up. Why does Clark go to Gotham? Find ou in Kat AKA Comic Uno’s latest video review.
A realistic portrayal of the army. No profanity, no insolence and no mockery? Check out what else out guest reviewer Stephen Mandel Joseph has to say about America’s Army #4.
The last issue of the big Marvel event is here. How does the Marvel universe change forever?
X is a reboot of a classic Dark Horse antihero by the same name. And he is ready to take down the corrupt forces of Arcadia in this simple, gritty and somewhat entertaining re-launch.
Wolverine MAX promises uncensored bloodshed, mayhem, and naughty language. How does the Clawed Canadian fare in this blood-soaked issue?
The world’s unlikeliest hero has just become the world’s most wanted! Vibe is on the run from the Suicide Squad! Will he survive? Read on to find out more!
The A-list creative team takes over a new Superman title. Will this title meet expectations?