Archie #4 Video Review
Here is Kat West AKA Comic Uno’s video review for Archie #4. The lipstick incident is revealed! What made Betty and Archie breakup? Tell me what you guys think about my video review in the comments below.
Here is Kat West AKA Comic Uno’s video review for Archie #4. The lipstick incident is revealed! What made Betty and Archie breakup? Tell me what you guys think about my video review in the comments below.
Here is Kat West AKA Comic Uno’s video review for Huck #1. Huck is a new series from Mark Millar. Will it be a hit like his other titles? Tell me what you guys think about my video review in the comments below.
The character of Forever Carlyle recently returned from a near-death experience, but she is mostly a background character (albeit an important one) in Lazarus #20. Instead, readers are given more of the inner dynamics of the Carlyle clan and the Carlyle army’s small-team assault on territory controlled by rival Hock. It’s a good issue, one […]
After the previous issue served mostly as a bridge, Star Wars #11 kicks the action into gear, and we finally learn the truth behind Han Solo’s “marriage” to Sana Solo. Overall, it’s a good issue, one that moves things forward in terms of plot, and also introduces an old, lesser-known character in Star Wars lore. […]
Here is Kat West AKA Comic Uno’s video review for All-New, All-Different Avengers #1. A new team is forming. Is this all new all different title worth picking up? Tell me what you guys think about my video review in the comments below.
There are some stories that suit serialized comics well while other ones work not so well. Velvet #12, while a good issue overall, highlights some of the difficulties serialized comics have when dealing with a complex, serpentine narrative. The art of Steve Epting is again a treat, though it’s more through his drawing of faces […]
Here is Kat West AKA Comic Uno’s video review for Uncanny X-Men #600. This marks the end of Bendis’ X-Men run. How will it end? Tell me what you guys think about my video review in the comments below.
The Vision is the first Marvel comic in years that I can say deserves the amount of praise that other, lesser series have been getting. I won’t name any names, but there are certain titles out right now getting the press that less-praised, actual quality, series have not been. The Vision #1, from writer Tom […]
A few months ago, DC Comics began a new series centering on the mystic character Dr. Fate, though this was a far more unusual take on the character. This Dr. Fate is young, of mixed ancestry, and ambivalent about the helmet of Nabu. The most unconventional part of this series might be its storytelling, though […]
Here is Kat West AKA Comic Uno’s video review for Black Magick #1. Image releases a new number 1. Is it worth picking up? Tell me what you guys think about my video review in the comments below.