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Comic Uno Episode 239 (Hunt for Wolverine #1, The Mighty Thor #706, and More)
April 29, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 238 (Action Comics #1000, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26)
April 25, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 235 (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, #25, Dark Nights Metal #6, and More)
April 2, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 234 (The Mighty Thor #705, Go Go Power Rangers #8, and More)
March 26, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 233 (The New Mutants Dead Souls #1, Eternity Girl #1, and More)
March 20, 2018 | Comic Reviews

Comic Reviews

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Lucid #1 – Review

Coming from Archaia Press’ Black Label is the first issue of Lucid, which was available early at Comic Con. You may remember that Lucid was being co-produced with Zachary Quinto’s company “before the door” which gives the title the possibility of being adapted into other mediums. Well before we can go into that we need to find out how the first issue is, so let’s find out!

The issue begins with Matthew Dee sitting in class fifteen years prior to the main story. He’s ignoring daydreaming in the middle of class and sub sequentially called upon by the teacher. After an answer way outside of his classmates maturity level, he’s sent to the hall to write a report with the same amount of passion.

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Henagi the Ninja Girl #1

It’s been over five years since the issue one of Henagi the Ninja Girl first shipped, but it was only recently I discovered it as I was walking down the aisles of the small press area of comic con. That is after all how one finds hidden gems like Henagi.

If the title didn’t give it away the book is about Henagi, a young girl that is daughter of a famous ninja and the granddaughter of the village leader. Henagi is anything but responsible and in fact is known more as a trouble maker in the village than anything else. The story begins with Henagi and her childhood friend Yumi practicing their ninja skills. Yumi is very serious about her training; unfortunately Henagi would rather sleep than train.

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Driver for the Dead #1 – Review

Louisiana is a place known for its vast culture and rich history. Thus making it a perfect location to tell any narrative, especially one involving the tried and true lore of Hoodoo (African folk magic). Add some demons, vampires and supernatural elements to said location and witness the blueprint for Radical’s Driver for the Dead.

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Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom #1

This appears to be the year of long time writers returning to properties that time has forgot. First it was Larry Hama’s return to G.I. Joe and now we have Jim Shooter returning to Doctor Solar. This revived Valiant title is joined by Magnus, Robot Fighter which is also being published by Dark Horse Comics. It seems that the two decade rule, in which it takes two decades for something old to become new again, has been shortened by ten years. Granted, both Solar and Magnus existed as Gold Key characters in the 60’s, but they came into the height of their popularity in the 90’s. Is this title stuck in the 90’s or does it make a third emergence into relevancy?

The issue (Troublemakers: Part One, Lust and Leviathan) begins with Doctor Solar taking on the hungry, hungry hippo Leviathan in front of a pizzeria. This is actually Solar’s first outing as a “hero” having just figured out his powers and re-creating himself. He’s mostly on the defense as Leviathan attacks him with everything he’s got. Everything is new and strange to Solar, but he can’t help but notice that this seems to be the norm for Leviathan. In this world, this is the first encounter with superheroes. Two dudes, duking it out over stolen pizza! It’s strange, but it works. It’s always refreshing when comics don’t refer to themselves within the world. The most annoying thing a title can do is making a joke about Superman or instantly call someone a superhero even though they never existed in the world before that moment.

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Superman #701 Review

What do you do with a character that has been around for 72 years and is easily one of the most iconic figures that the free speaking world has ever known. Ask Joseph Michael Straczynski because his Superman 701 is the best answer anyone will ever give.

On the south side of Philadelphia three locals are working on their truck. In the mist of figuring out if it’s the transmission or catalytic converter the Man of Steel walks by. He helps them out within seconds and leaves them in awe. Soon a horde of local media catch wind and are on Superman’s tail, asking him all sorts of questions but everyone just wants to know one thing, why? Why is Superman walking and where is he going? Superman’s response is simple; he’ll know when he gets there. As the day goes on Superman stops and eats at a dinner and chats with the patrons. From there he hassles some drug dealers and stumbles across a woman named Felicity, who is pondering suicide on the top of a building. She makes Superman promise that no matter what she decides to do, he lets her do it. Floating five feet away from her, he agrees.

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Scott Pilgrim VS The World Vol 2. – Review

There’s a phenomenon that occurs when one reads Scott Pilgrim. The book becomes nearly impossible to put down once you’ve begun reading. I have loaned, bought and gifted the first book numerous times and the results are always the same: The reader doesn’t stop. What’s more amazing is that this will happen each time you read the book, as was my experience upon re-reading this volume.

The second issue is perhaps my favorite in the series. Probably because it has one of the most brilliant and thought provoking flashbacks of any medium. The story begins with Scott moving to a new town. Within his first five steps onto the school grounds he’s confronted by bullies. O’Malley lays down a key personality trait for Scott in these exact moments: Scott never backs down. He takes on the bullies and winds up in the principal’s office all before attending his first class. Sitting outside the office he meets Lisa, a cute young girl that leaves a lasting impression on Scott. That last bit’s sarcasm.

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Codebreakers #4 – Review

There’s really no such thing as a happy ending, but there is such a thing as a good ending. Perhaps that’s too little of a compliment for this book, which actually has a marvelous ending to a fantastic series. From the very beginning, Codebreakers, has taken its cast of characters to hell and back. Each character has suffered in some way, shape or form throughout the course of the title, which has made them easy to grow attached to.

This issue picks up with the explosion in the warehouse set off by Remy. Lindsay rushes into the flames to try and find Whiteweather who was caught in the blast. Her attempts to find him are unsuccessful as an FBI agent quickly removes her. As she waits outside for news about her comrade, Remy approaches her and takes her hostage.

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Shadowlands #1 Review

After a lot of discussion and marketing, Marvel’s Shadowland finally begins. Since the beginning of Daredevil’s re-launch, the title has a proverbial arms race for creators each trying to one-up the previous writer of the franchise. Since then Matt Murdock’s life has pretty much been a living hell. He’s lost practically everyone he’s loved; he’s been ousted as a Super-Hero in the media, he’s been the Kingpin of New York and now is the leader of the ninja clan, the Hand.

Shadowland begins with Murdock’s return to Hell’s Kitchen after completing his transition into the Hand’s leader. Now Murdock has built a huge temple on the site that was bombed by Bullseye (disguised as Hawkeye), referred to as Shadowland. We then find Bullseye on a plane being escorted by the two dumbest guards in the service of the US of A, to the Raft. The Raft is the maximum security prison that all the baddies get round up in (Think Arkham Asylum but bigger and not DC). Along the way he manages to fool the guards into believing the Sentry had returned. Hijinks ensue and Bullseye earns his freedom and three more deaths are on his hands.

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X-Men #1 Review

I honestly cannot remember the last time Cyclops was cool. He used to be one of the coolest characters in the Marvel U, but at some point he became the Nick Fury of the X-Men. He shows up in every X-Title and barks orders and always seems to know more about what’s happening than anyone else. Now that all of the Mutant cross-overs have finally wrapped up, Cyclops has assumed the role of knowing what’s best for Mutant kind… oh wait, he’s already been in that role for the last three years. Well at any rate he continues his leadership role on Utopia Island.

As all the marketing and press releases from Marvel have been hinting, the X-Men are taking on Dracula and his legion of followers. The Curse of the Mutants storyline kicks off with this brand new first issue and it’s sure to revert back to its original numbering in a year or two. Our story begins with Pixie and a still depowered Jubilee getting some cocoa together. Even though it’s been almost five years Jub’s is still adjusting to not having any powers. Then a vampire strolls up wearing a gimp outfit and explodes on a crowd of people, which then infects all of those people with the Vampire virus. Pixie thankfully went for nachos and missed being exposed. Jubilee on the other hand caught some of the action.

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Thunderbolts #145 Review

What can I say, when I’m right, I’m right. In the review for issue 144 I stated that one of two things would happen with issue 145. The book would either take a turn down the tired road its tread upon before by having Zemo take control of the team again. Or it would make the obvious and less imaginative choice of having Zemo’s appearance only be a test. I put my money on it being a test and it seems to have paid off!

The story begins the same way as the previous issue ended, Zemo shouting at the new “Bolts” to get on his plane so he could once again assume control of the team he created. Crossbones, is the first to trade sides as he jumps right on board and waits for takeoff. Juggernaut on the other hand decides to jump ship completely and dives into the water making for an all out escape. That leaves The Ghost and Moonstone to make their decision. Moonstone decides that she’d rather be in control of the team and begins battling Zemo. The Ghost is able to see through the trick and simply stands on the sidelines.

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