Dracula: The Company of Monsters #1 Review
Everyone knows that Vampires are the new Zombies, by that I mean they are everywhere from Movies to TV and yes… even comics! They are so infused in comics that even the X-Men are fighting them off while trying not to get bit. With all this vampirism going on it was only a matter of time before an independent publisher threw there hat into the mix, enter: Dracula the Company of Monsters from Boom! Studios. Here’s the thing that this book has going for it that no other Vampire/Dracula story has: Kurt Busiek. You may not know the name but I guarantee you know his work on such books as: Marvels with Alex Ross, Astro City, Superman, Avengers, you name it he’s probably written a notable story for it. So what’s Busiek’s take on the tired genre of Dracula and Vampires? Does it “shine” in today’s over saturated market, or simply lay in the dark.